Install node:
Install gulp: npm install gulp -g
Install tsd: npm install tsd -g
from a console prompt:
npm install
tsd install
(change Visual Studio Code settings, see below)
run 'node TodoWebService.js' to start the server.
browse to: http://localhost:3000/build/index.html
if you want to use a local copy of the typescript compiler edit the file settings.json and specify the correct absolute path for "typescript.tsdk"
- if you place a tsconfig.json file on the root VSCode will internally pick that and use it. This way any .ts and .d.ts will be read and compiled and there will be no need to add /// all around.
- if you place a jsconfig.json file on the root VSCode will internally pick that and use it to provide some JavaScript goodies.
tsd update -s -o tsd rebundle
ncu --upgradeAll npm install
tsd purge