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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – January 21st

Bill McDonald edited this page Jan 28, 2022 · 4 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – January 21st


  • Bill McDonald (Working Group Leader)
  • Andy Johnson (ADL)
  • Florian Tolk (ADL)
  • Henry Ryng (InXSOL)
  • George Vilches (Rustici Software)
  • Brian Miller (Rustici Software)
  • Matt Westover (ECZ & Company)
  • Chetan Sachdev()
  • Russ Engoran ()
  • Carsten König (TUTORize GmbH)
  • Christopher Thompson (Medcom, Inc.)
  • Martin Koob (VideoLinkWell)


The group continued its discussion reviewing derived testing requirements against the cmi5 spec to determine if related spec changes are necessary.

  1. Review Derived Requirements (CATAPULT JSON)
  2. Determine if spec corrections/clarifications/defects are required
  3. Add Reference to Testing Requirements in spec

The group reviewed the CATAPULT derived requirements JSON - See Excel Spreadsheet

Topics/Questions raised during the review:

  1. Why does spec not specifically list requirements for "allowed statements"?
    • Answer: the spec has requirements for "cmi5 allowed statements" then defines explicit requirement for for "cmi5 defined" statements
  2. Should the LMS provide an Statement ID for LMS generated statements ? (Abandoned, Waived, Satisfied, etc.)
  3. Why are statement ID’s required? (If the LRS will provide anyway if omitted) What is the best/common practice ?
  4. Blank lines in the Derived Requirements were not implemented (for various reasons unable to define tests)

All Previous cmi5 Meeting Minutes

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