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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – May 13th, 2022

Bill McDonald edited this page Jun 10, 2022 · 3 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – May 13th, 2022

Attendee List

  • Bill McDonald (Working Group Leader)
  • Andy Johnson (ADL)
  • Art Werkenthin (RISC, Inc)
  • George Vilches ()
  • Geir Fuhre Pettersen ()
  • Russ Engoran()
  • Thomas Turrell-Croft (BerryCloud)
  • Matt Westover (EZ Consulting)
  • Henry Ryng (InXSol)
  • Brian Duck ()



The group discussed the following CATAPULT issue.

cmi5 xAPI Profile

The group continued its discussion of mapping cmi5 to a xAPI Profile (per the xAPI Profile specification).

The primary impediment to moving forward is the lack of "Defining Properties" in xAPI Profile specification for indicating cmi5 statements.

At this time it appears that the best path forward is to propose spec changes to xAPI Profile working group.

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