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cmi5 (JSON LD) for xAPI Profile (DRAFT)

Bill McDonald edited this page Mar 1, 2020 · 2 revisions
	"@context": "",
	"id": "",
	"type": "Profile",
	"conformsTo": "",
	"prefLabel": {
		"en": "cmi5 Profile"
	"definition": {
		"en": "This specification describes interoperable runtime communication between Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Assignable Units (AU).\n\nThe runtime communication and behavior of all parts of the system are carefully described in the full specification, which can be found at . This is a structured representation of cmi5 concepts, statement structure, and statement communications patterns that the additional rules in the full specification build upon and provide the definitive interpretation of."
	"scopeNote": "If any part of this profile is in conflict with the cmi5 specification, then the specification is the authoritative source.  The scope of the cmi5 specification goes beyond the xAPI definition of statements and resources so certain features or requirements of cmi5 specification can not be defined in this profile.  Please see additional scopeNotes indicating these features/requirements and how they are related to xAPI statements and resources.",
	"seeAlso": "",
	"versions": [
			"id": "",
			"generatedAtTime": "2020-xx-xxT00:00:00Z"
	"author": {
		"type": "Organization",
		"name": "cmi5 Working Group"
	"concepts": [
		"id": "",
		"inScheme": "",
		"type": "Verb",
		"definition": {
		  "en": "Indicates that the AU session was abnormally terminated by a learner's action (or due to a system failure)."
		"prefLabel": {
		  "en": "abandoned"
		"scopeNote" : "This is an LMS generated statement, once issued the LMS must not allow for any additional statments in a a session. See section 9.3.6 of the cmi5 specification for details on statement usage."
	  "id": "",
	  "inScheme": "",
	  "type": "Verb",
	  "definition": {
		"en": "Indicates that the authority or activity provider determined the actor has fulfilled the criteria of the object or activity."
	  "prefLabel": {
		"en": "satisfied"
	  "scopeNote" : "This is an LMS generated statement, issued once the moveOn criteria has been met for a course or a block. See section 9.3.9 of the cmi5 specification for details on statement usage."
	  "id": "",
	  "inScheme": "",
	  "type": "Verb",
	  "definition": {
		"en": "Indicates that the learning activity requirements were met by means other than completing the activity. A waived statement is used to indicate that the activity may be skipped by the actor."
	  "prefLabel": {
		"en": "waived"
	  "scopeNote" : "This is an LMS generated statement. See section 9.3.7 of the cmi5 specification for details on statement usage."
		"id": "",
		"inScheme": "",
		"type": "ActivityType",
		"definition": {
			"en": "A block is a grouping unit in a hiearchical (tree) structure representing a course with Assignable Units as the lowest descendant (leaves).  Each block must contain at least one Assignable Unit descendant.  Progress (completion/success) for each block is rolled up in to complete a higher level block."
		"prefLabel": {
			"en": "block"
		"scopeNote" : "See section 5.0 of the cmi5 specification for details."	
		"id": "",
		"inScheme": "",
		"type": "ActivityType",
		"exactMatch": [ "" ],
		"definition": {
		  "en": "A course represents an amount of content that is published and registered into with the purpose of gaining completion.  It is represented with a Course Structure Format in cmi5 as the highest level of content (above Block and AU)."
		"prefLabel": {
		  "en": "course"
		"scopeNote" : "This is used in an LMS generated 'Statisfied' statement.  See section 9.3.9 of the cmi5 specification for details on usage."	
	  "id": "",
	  "inScheme": "",
	  "type": "ResultExtension",
	  "prefLabel": {
		  "en": "progress"
	  "definition": {
		  "en": "An integer value between 0 and 100 (inclusive) indicating the completion of the AU as a percentage.\n\nThe AU may set this value in statements to indicate level of completion. The AU SHOULD NOT set a progress value in a Completed statement or if it has previously issued a Completed statement for the AU in the current registration."
	  "inlineSchema": "{ \"type\": \"number\", \"maximum\": 100, \"minimum\": 0, \"multipleOf\": 1.0 }",
	  "scopeNote" : "See section 9.5.5 of the cmi5 specification for details on usage."	
	  "id": "",
	  "inScheme": "",
	  "type": "ResultExtension",
	  "prefLabel": {
		  "en": "reason"
	  "definition": {
		  "en": "Indicates the reason why an AU was 'waived' (marked complete by an alternative means)"
	  "inlineSchema": "{ \"type\": \"string\" }",
	  "scopeNote" : "See section of the cmi5 specification for details on usage."
		"id": "",
		"inScheme": "",
		"type": "ContextExtension",
		"prefLabel": {
		  "en": "session ID"
		"definition": {
		  "en": "A unique identifier for a single AU launch session based on actor and course registration."
		"inlineSchema": "{ \"type\": \"string\" }",
		"scopeNote" : "See section of the cmi5 specification for details on usage."
	  "id": "",
	  "inScheme": "",
	  "type": "ContextExtension",
	  "prefLabel": {
		  "en": "mastery score"
	  "definition": {
		  "en": "'masteryScore' as provided in the LMS Launch Data for the AU plus registration used to determine the pass/fail result based on score"
	  "inlineSchema": "{ \"type\": \"number\",  \"maximum\": 1, \"minimum\": 0 }",
	  "scopeNote" : "See section of the cmi5 specification for details on usage."
	  "id": "",
	  "inScheme": "",
	  "type": "ContextExtension",
	  "prefLabel": {
		  "en": "launch mode"
	  "definition": {
		  "en": "Indicates what launch mode an AU was launched with by the LMS"
	  "inlineSchema": "{ \"enum\": [\"Normal\", \"Browse\", \"Review\"] }",
	  "scopeNote" : "See section of the cmi5 specification for details on usage."
	  "id": "",
	  "inScheme": "",
	  "type": "ContextExtension",
	  "prefLabel": {
		  "en": "launch URL"
	  "definition": {
		  "en": "The URL used by the LMS to launch the AU"
	  "inlineSchema": "{ \"type\": \"string\", \"format\": \"uri\" }",
	  "scopeNote" : "See section of the cmi5 specification for details on usage."
	  "id": "",
	  "inScheme": "",
	  "type": "ContextExtension",
	  "prefLabel": {
		  "en": "launch parameters"
	  "definition": {
		  "en": "'launchParameters' as provided in the LMS Launch Data for the AU plus registration"
	  "inlineSchema": "{ \"type\": \"string\" }",
	  "scopeNote" : "This is used in an LMS generated 'Launched' statement.  See section of the cmi5 specification for details on usage."
	  "id": "",
	  "inScheme": "",
	  "type": "ContextExtension",
	  "prefLabel": {
		  "en": "move on"
	  "definition": {
		  "en": "'moveOn' as provided in the LMS Launch Data for the AU plus registration"
	  "inlineSchema": "{ \"enum\": [\"Passed\", \"Completed\", \"CompletedAndPassed\", \"CompletedOrPassed\", \"NotApplicable\"] }",
	  "scopeNote" : " This is _______  See section ____ of the cmi5 specification for details on usage."

	"templates": [
		{"scopeNote" : "As of February 21, 2020 - The xAPI Profile Server is currently under development.  Once its design (and associated tools) are finalized the cmi5 Working Group will add templates. "}
	"patterns": [
		{"scopeNote" : "As of February 21, 2020 - The xAPI Profile Server is currently under development.  Once its design (and associated tools) are finalized the cmi5 Working Group will add patterns. "}
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