This a small library and code example for retrieving QuickBooks invoice data.
require_once 'configuration.php'; // Configuration constants
require_once 'classes/MyQuickBooksIntegration.php'; // Custom MyQuickBooksIntegration class
// Require the library code
require_once 'quickbooks-php/QuickBooks.php';
$parameters = array
'dsn' => DSN,
'encryption_key' => ENCRYPTION_KEY,
'oauth_consumer_key' => OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY,
'oauth_consumer_secret' => OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET,
'quickbooks_oauth_url' => OAUTH_URL,
'quickbooks_success_url' => SUCCESS_URL,
'username' => APP_USERNAME,
'tenant' => APP_TOKEN
$qb = new MyQuickBooksIntegration($parameters);
$invoices = $qb->getInvoices('2015-01-22');
echo '<pre>';
- Run the SQL file 'example_app_ipp_v3.sql' to create the necessary data table and columns .
- Change the API credentials in 'configuration.php'. Note; make sure that '' within OAUTH_URL, SUCCESS_URL, & MENU_URL match your enviorment!
- Visit 'oauth.php' from the browser to log in.
- Visit 'process.php' from the browser to review invoice data.
Intuit-QuickBooks-API is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright 2015-2016 Travis van der Font