Logs manager on top of CocoaLumberjack. Allows to easily configure log components depending on your app infrastucture. Have several convenience loggers: ConsoleLogger, AlertLogger, NotificationLogger.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- In Xcode select
>Add Packages...
- Copy and paste the following into the search:
‼️ Make sureUp to Next Major Version
is selected and put12.3.0
into the lower bound. There is a bug in Xcode, it does not select versions higher than 9.0.0 by default‼️ - Tap
Add Package
- Select
to add everything and tapAdd Package
LogsManager is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
For the main app target:
pod 'LogsManager', '~> 12.3'
For the app extension target:
pod 'LogsManager/Core', '~> 12.3'
Please check official guide
github "APUtils/LogsManager" "9.1.19"
Install command: carthage bootstrap
Add LogsManager
framework to the main app and app extensions if any. Add LogsManagerExtensionUnsafe
framework for the main app only (excluding app extensions if any).
Please check official guide
github "APUtils/LogsManager" "9.1.20"
Install command: carthage bootstrap --use-xcframeworks
Add LogsManager
framework to the main app and app extensions if any. Add LogsManagerExtensionUnsafe
framework for the main app only (excluding app extensions if any).
You have to add logs component first if you want your logs to be separated by components:
let vcComponent = LogComponent(name: "ViewController", logName: "VC") { filePath, _ in
let fileName = String.getFileName(filePath: filePath)
return fileName == "ViewController"
let didAppearComponent = LogComponent(name: "Did Appear", logName: "viewDidAppear") { _, function in
return function.hasPrefix("viewDidAppear")
Then you need to add loggers and specify their components and log levels:
// Log all ViewController debug messages
let logger = ConsoleLogger(logComponents: [vcComponent], logLevel: .debug, newLinesSeparation: false)
// Present alert for any error log
let allAlertLogger = AlertLogger(logComponents: nil, logLevel: .error)
You can use convenience global function to leave logs:
logInfo("Staring network request to: \(request.url)")
logDebug("Received data")
logVerbose("Data payload: \(data)")
logError("Got error response", error: error, data: ["request": request])
See example and test projects for more details.
Any contribution is more than welcome! You can contribute through pull requests and issues on GitHub.
Anton Plebanovich, anton.plebanovich@gmail.com
LogsManager is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.