RAcross is libretro(RA?)'s core cross build emvironment.
- Use macOS 10.15.4 Catalina (Vanilla)
RAcross_mac can test follow cross builds
- host
- iOS
- iOS 9
- iOS ARM64
- tvOS ARM64
1. Locate RAcross_mac directory on home dir
2. login App Store
3. setup with terminal
1. Finder -> "Location" -> "Utility" -> "terminal"
2. cd RAcross_mac
3. ./setup.sh
- Homebrew
- Xcode (after installed, You must agree)
4. "RAcross setup is finished." displaied then close terminal and reboot
1. login to Apple store
2. open terminal
3. locate your core source at /home/USER/
4. edit libretro-super/build-core.sh, LR_CORE and LR_CORE_SRC value
5. cd libretro-super
6. ./build-core.sh
7. build logs are output in 'log' dir
binalys are output in 'dist' dir