A chatbot that uses Mistral 7B to parse website information and anwser questions only
based of the info from those websites. However, you can modify
to change this.
To run on your local computer clone the repo or download the files and follow the instructions in setup.txt. The set up instructions are also copied below for convenience
Note: Depedning on your processor the speed will vary
Create a virtual enviorment (Optional but reccomended) In the command terminal (Don't use powershell)
- python -m venv name
- MAC: source name/bin/activate
- Windows: .\name\Scripts\activate
Install these packages with pip in your virtual enviorment
pip install langchain
pip install chromadb tiktoken
pip install streamlit
pip install beautifulsoup4
Download ollama from https://ollama.com/
Type this into your command terminal to get acess to these models
ollama pull mistral
ollama pull nomic-embed-text
streamlit run app.py