Foam Patrol is a site I created to connect people who enjoy the sport of surfing or want to get into it. It hosts surf forecasts, surf trips, and paths to surf tutorials. 🤙
Live: Foam Patrol
- Retrieve weather and surf data from API by using Axios
- Use Javascrit's date object to display accurate time and weather information
- Create responsive navbar with dropdowns
- Use variety of weather icons to display accurate current weather conditions at surf spots
- Use React Router to route through site's pages
- Create a number of pages to practice design with JSX and CSS
- Make app responsive
- Figma wireframe view
├── assets/
│ └── images/
├── components/
├── Context
├── hooks/
├── pages/
└── utils/
- Clone repo.
- Run
npm install && npm start
in terminal.
This site is inspired by websites like Barefoot Surf and Magic Seaweed.