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iClusterVB allows for fast integrative clustering and feature selection for high dimensional data.

Using a variational Bayes approach, its key features - clustering of mixed-type data, automated determination of the number of clusters, and feature selection in high-dimensional settings - address the limitations of traditional clustering methods while offering an alternative and potentially faster approach than MCMC algorithms, making iClusterVB a valuable tool for contemporary data analysis challenges.


You can install iClusterVB from CRAN with:


You can install the development version of iClusterVB from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

iClusterVB - The Main Function

Mandatory arguments

  • mydata: A list of length R, where R is the number of datasets, containing the input data.

    • Note: For categorical data, 0’s must be re-coded to another, non-0 value.
  • dist: A vector of length R specifying the type of data or distribution. Options include: "gaussian" (for continuous data), "multinomial" (for binary or categorical data), and "poisson" (for count data).

Optional arguments

  • K: The maximum number of clusters, with a default value of 10. The algorithm will converge to a model with dominant clusters, removing redundant clusters and automating the process of determining the number of clusters.

  • initial_method: The method for the initial cluster allocation, which the iClusterVB algorithm will then use to determine the final cluster allocation. Options include "VarSelLCM" (default) for VarSelLCM, "random" for a random sample, "kproto" for k-prototypes, "kmeans" for k-means (continuous data only), "mclust" for mclust (continuous data only), or "lca" for poLCA (categorical data only).

  • VS_method: The feature selection method. The options are 0 (default) for clustering without feature selection and 1 for clustering with feature selection

  • initial_cluster: The initial cluster membership. The default is NULL, which uses initial_method for initial cluster allocation. If it is not NULL, it will overwrite the previous initial values setting for this parameter.

  • initial_vs_prob: The initial feature selection probability, a scalar. The default is NULL, which assigns a value of 0.5.

  • initial_fit: Initial values based on a previously fitted iClusterVB model (an iClusterVB object). The default is NULL.

  • initial_omega: Customized initial values for feature inclusion probabilities. The default is NULL. If the argument is not NULL, it will overwrite the previous initial values setting for this parameter. If VS_method = 1, initial_omega is a list of length R, and each element of the list is an array with dim=c(N,p$$[r$$])). N is the sample size and p$$[r$$] is the number of features for dataset r, r = 1,...,R.

  • initial_hyper_parameters: A list of the initial hyper-parameters of the prior distributions for the model. The default is NULL, which assigns alpha_00 = 0.001, mu_00 = 0,
    s2_00 = 100, a_00 = 1, b_00 = 1, kappa_00 = 1, u_00 = 1, v_00 = 1. These are $\pmb{\alpha}_0, \mu_0, s^2_0, a_0, b_0, \pmb{\kappa}_0, c_0, \text{and } d_0$ described in the research article that was submitted. The citation will be updated to display the paper once it is ready.

  • max_iter: The maximum number of iterations for the VB algorithm. The default is 200.

  • early_stop: Whether to stop the algorithm upon convergence or to continue until max_iter is reached. Options are 1 (default) to stop when the algorithm converges, and 0 to stop only when max_iter is reached.

  • per: Print information every "per" iteration. The default is 10.

  • convergence_threshold: The convergence threshold for the change in ELBO. The default is 0.0001.

Simulated Data

We will demonstrate the clustering and feature selection performance of iClusterVB using a simulated dataset comprising $N = 240$ individuals and $R = 4$ data views with different data types. Two views were continuous, one was count, and one was binary – a setup commonly found in genomics data where gene or mRNA expression (continuous), DNA copy number (count), and mutation presence (binary) are observed. The true number of clusters ($K$) was set to 4, with balanced cluster proportions ($\pi_1 = 0.25, \pi_2 = 0.25, \pi_3 = 0.25, \pi_4 = 0.25$). Each data view consisted of $p_r = 500$ features ($r = 1, \dots, 4$), totaling $p = \sum_{r=1}^4 p_r = 2000$ features across all views. Within each view, only 50 features (10%) were relevant for clustering, while the remaining features were noise. The relevant features were distributed across clusters as described in the table below:

Data View Cluster Distribution
1 (Continuous) Cluster 1 $\mathcal{N}(10, 1)$ (Relevant)
Cluster 2 $\mathcal{N}(5, 1)$ (Relevant)
Cluster 3 $\mathcal{N}(-5, 1)$ (Relevant)
Cluster 4 $\mathcal{N}(-10, 1)$ (Relevant)
$\mathcal{N}(0, 1)$ (Noise)
2 (Continuous) Cluster 1 $\mathcal{N}(-10, 1)$ (Relevant)
Cluster 2 $\mathcal{N}(-5, 1)$ (Relevant)
Cluster 3 $\mathcal{N}(5, 1)$ (Relevant)
Cluster 4 $\mathcal{N}(10, 1)$ (Relevant)
$\mathcal{N}(0, 1)$ (Noise)
3 (Binary) Cluster 1 $\text{Bernoulli}(0.05)$ (Relevant)
Cluster 2 $\text{Bernoulli}(0.2)$ (Relevant)
Cluster 3 $\text{Bernoulli}(0.4)$ (Relevant)
Cluster 4 $\text{Bernoulli}(0.6)$ (Relevant)
$\text{Bernoulli}(0.1)$ (Noise)
4 (Count) Cluster 1 $\text{Poisson}(50)$ (Relevant)
Cluster 2 $\text{Poisson}(35)$ (Relevant)
Cluster 3 $\text{Poisson}(20)$ (Relevant)
Cluster 4 $\text{Poisson}(10)$ (Relevant)
$\text{Poisson}(2)$ (Noise)

Distribution of relevant and noise features across clusters in each data view

The simulated dataset is included as a list in the package.

Data pre-processing


# Input data must be a list

dat1 <- list(gauss_1 = sim_data$continuous1_data,
             gauss_2 = sim_data$continuous2_data,
             multinomial_1 = sim_data$binary_data,
             poisson_1 = sim_data$count_data)

dist <- c("gaussian", "gaussian",
          "multinomial", "poisson")

# Re-code `0`s to `2`s. This must be done for feature selection 
# and clustering to work properly.
dat1$multinomial_1[dat1$multinomial_1 == 0] <- 2

Running the model

fit_iClusterVB <- iClusterVB(
  mydata = dat1,
  dist = dist,
  K = 8,
  initial_method = "VarSelLCM",
  VS_method = 1, # Variable Selection is on
  max_iter = 100,
  per = 100
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> Pre-processing and initializing the model
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> Running the CAVI algorithm
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> iteration = 100 elbo = -43591384.761314

Comparing to True Cluster Membership

table(fit_iClusterVB$cluster, sim_data$cluster_true)
#>      1  2  3  4
#>   2 60  0  0  0
#>   4  0 60  0  0
#>   6  0  0 60  0
#>   8  0  0  0 60

Summary of the Model

# We can obtain a summary using summary()
#> Total number of individuals:
#> [1] 240
#> User-inputted maximum number of clusters: 8
#> Number of clusters determined by algorithm: 4
#> Cluster Membership:
#>  2  4  6  8 
#> 60 60 60 60 
#> # of variables above the posterior inclusion probability of 0.5 for View 1 - gaussian
#> [1] "58 out of a total of 500"
#> # of variables above the posterior inclusion probability of 0.5 for View 2 - gaussian
#> [1] "59 out of a total of 500"
#> # of variables above the posterior inclusion probability of 0.5 for View 3 - multinomial
#> [1] "62 out of a total of 500"
#> # of variables above the posterior inclusion probability of 0.5 for View 4 - poisson
#> [1] "69 out of a total of 500"

Generic Plots


Probability of Inclusion Plots

# The `piplot` function can be used to visualize the probability of inclusion


Heat maps to visualize the clusters

# The `chmap` function can be used to display heat maps for each data view

list_of_plots <- chmap(fit_iClusterVB, rho = 0,
      cols = c("green", "blue",
               "purple", "red"),
      scale = "none")
# The `grid.arrange` function from gridExtra can be used to display all the 
# plots together
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = list_of_plots, ncol = 2, nrow = 2)


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