Abdelhakim EL Ghayoubi
This project aims to establish a data streaming pipeline with storage, processing, and visualization using:
- Kafka for asynchronous messaging
- Flink for processing data
- Hadoop for storage and backup
- Elasticsearch and Kibana for indexing and visualization
- You can also use other tools as you like or add more tools, just make sure they are in sync with each other.
This is my documentation of the project I worked on. I'm using the GitHub API, but you can adjust or replace it with any API you like. Just be sure to change and adjust the code to fit your API specifications. Remember, the technologies and JARs need to be compatible; otherwise, you'll get unpleasant errors. I've provided the code and step-by-step guide on how to work with them. Make sure you don't skip important parts. Good luck!
- Token key for
- Kafka info
Start Zookeeper: Kafka uses Zookeeper for distributed coordination. Start Zookeeper by running the following command from the Kafka directory:
bash bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
Start Kafka Server: Open a new terminal and start the Kafka server with the following command:
```bash bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties ```
Create a Topic: Use the following command to create a topic named "my_topic":
bash bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --topic my_topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
List Topics: To see a list of existing topics, run:
bash bin/kafka-topics.sh --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
Produce Messages: Use the following command to produce messages to the "my_topic" topic:
bash bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --topic my_topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
Consume Messages: Open a new terminal and run the following command to consume messages from the "my_topic" topic:
bash bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --topic my_topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning
- Server properties
- default
# Listener name, hostname and port the broker will advertise to clients. # If not set, it uses the value for "listeners". advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT://your.host.name:9092
- my config
- default
- My Kafka info
- after starting zookeeper & kafka
you should see this in kafka terminal
bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
[2023-12-03 17:11:15,535] INFO Registered broker 0 at path /brokers/ids/0 with addresses: PLAINTEXT://dexter-VirtualBox:9092, czxid (broker epoch): 124 (kafka.zk.KafkaZkClient) dafualt topic: 'my-topic-test' boostrap-server: 'dexter-VirtualBox:9092'
- after starting zookeeper & kafka
- Read API data
import json import requests from rich import print from time import sleep repository_url = 'https://api.github.com/repositories' user_url_template = "https://api.github.com/users/{}" # Replace 'YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN' with your actual GitHub token github_token = '<YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN>' # Function to fetch data from GitHub API with authorization header def fetch_user_data(username): user_url = user_url_template.format(username) headers = {'Authorization': f'token {github_token}'} response = requests.get(user_url, headers=headers) return response.json() # Fetch data from GitHub API data = requests.get(repository_url).json() for repository in data: owner_url = repository['owner']['url'] owner_data = fetch_user_data(owner_url.split('/')[-1]) # Extracting username from the URL # Store the data in the cur_data variable cur_data = { "ID": owner_data['id'], "Login": owner_data['login'], "Name": owner_data['name'], "HTML URL": owner_data['html_url'], "Public Repos": owner_data['public_repos'], "Public Gists": owner_data['public_gists'], "Followers": owner_data['followers'], "Following": owner_data['following'] } print(json.dumps(cur_data, indent=2)) # Pretty-print the data sleep(0.5)
- Kafka Producer
import json import requests from kafka import KafkaProducer from rich import print from time import sleep # Replace 'YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN' with your actual GitHub token github_token = 'YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN' producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=['dexter-VirtualBox:9092'], value_serializer=lambda K: json.dumps(K).encode('utf-8')) repository_url = 'https://api.github.com/repositories' user_url_template = "https://api.github.com/users/{}" def fetch_user_data(username): user_url = user_url_template.format(username) headers = {'Authorization': f'token {github_token}'} response = requests.get(user_url, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() else: print(f"Error fetching data for {username}. Status code: {response.status_code}") return None def fetch_repository_data(): headers = {'Authorization': f'token {github_token}'} response = requests.get(repository_url, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() else: print(f"Error fetching repository data. Status code: {response.status_code}") return [] for repository in fetch_repository_data(): owner_url = repository['owner']['url'] owner_data = fetch_user_data(owner_url.split('/')[-1]) if owner_data: cur_data = { "ID": owner_data['id'], "Login": owner_data['login'], "Name": owner_data['name'], "HTML_URL": owner_data['html_url'], "Public_Repos": owner_data['public_repos'], "Public_Gists": owner_data['public_gists'], "Followers": owner_data['followers'], "Following": owner_data['following'] } producer.send('my_topic', value=cur_data) print(json.dumps(cur_data, indent=2)) sleep(1)
- Kafka Consumer
# Import necessary libraries from kafka import KafkaConsumer from json import loads from rich import print # Create a Kafka consumer consumer = KafkaConsumer( 'my_topic', # Topic to consume messages from bootstrap_servers=['dexter-VirtualBox:9092'], # Kafka server addresses auto_offset_reset='earliest', # Reset offset to the latest available message enable_auto_commit=True, # Enable auto commit of consumed messages group_id=None, # Consumer group ID (None indicates an individual consumer) value_deserializer=lambda x: loads(x.decode('utf-8')) # Deserialize the message value from JSON to Python object ) # Process incoming messages for message in consumer: data = message.value # Get the value of the message (tweet) print(data) # Print the tweet
- check if the consumer got the data
bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --topic my-topic-test --bootstrap-server dexter-VirtualBox:9092 --from-beginning
- check if the consumer got the data
- Kafka with
- start Hadoop & create this folder &
hadoop fs -mkdir /kafka_project hadoop fs -touchz /kafka_project/github_data.json hadoop fs -ls /kafka_project/ -rw-r--r-- 1 dexter supergroup 0 2023-12-03 17:35 /kafka_project/github_data.json
- install Hadoop lib in python
pip3 install pydoop
- code
# Import necessary libraries from kafka import KafkaConsumer from json import loads from rich import print import pydoop.hdfs as hdfs # Create a Kafka consumer consumer = KafkaConsumer( 'my_topic', # Topic to consume messages from bootstrap_servers=['dexter-VirtualBox:9092'], # Kafka server addresses auto_offset_reset='earliest', # Reset offset to the latest available message enable_auto_commit=True, # Enable auto commit of consumed messages group_id=None, # Consumer group ID (None indicates an individual consumer) value_deserializer=lambda x: loads(x.decode('utf-8')) # Deserialize the message value from JSON to Python object ) hdfs_path = 'hdfs://localhost:9000/kafka_project/github_data.json' # Path to the HDFS file # Process incoming messages for message in consumer: data = message.value # Get the value of the message (tweet) print(data) # Print the tweet with hdfs.open(hdfs_path, 'at') as file: print("Storing in HDFS!") file.write(f"{data}\n")
- check if the file has the date
dexter@dexter-VirtualBox:~$ hadoop fs -cat /kafka_project/github_data.json
- start Hadoop & create this folder &
- JSON file to CSV
ID,Login,Name,HTML URL,Public Repos,Public Gists,Followers,Following 1,mojombo,Tom Preston-Werner,https://github.com/mojombo,66,62,23705,11 4,wycats,Yehuda Katz,https://github.com/wycats,284,761,10161,13 317747,rubinius,Rubinius,https://github.com/rubinius,50,0,17,0 1,mojombo,Tom Preston-Werner,https://github.com/mojombo,66,62,23705,11 17,vanpelt,Chris Van Pelt,https://github.com/vanpelt,58,50,224,20 4,wycats,Yehuda Katz,https://github.com/wycats,284,761,10161,13 2,defunkt,Chris Wanstrath,https://github.com/defunkt,107,274,21745,214 21,technoweenie,,https://github.com/technoweenie,177,106,2635,18 25,caged,Justin Palmer,https://github.com/caged,166,99,2361,44 27,anotherjesse,Jesse Andrews,https://github.com/anotherjesse,192,68,229,38 1,mojombo,Tom Preston-Werner,https://github.com/mojombo,66,62,23705,11 2,defunkt,Chris Wanstrath,https://github.com/defunkt,107,274,21745,214 22,macournoyer,Marc-André Cournoyer,https://github.com/macournoyer,66,55,1214,56 37,jamesgolick,James Golick,https://github.com/jamesgolick,110,114,635,30 2,defunkt,Chris Wanstrath,https://github.com/defunkt,107,274,21745,214 36,KirinDave,Dave Fayram,https://github.com/KirinDave,83,97,407,10 46,bmizerany,Blake Mizerany,https://github.com/bmizerany,166,170,1399,36 47,jnewland,Jesse Newland,https://github.com/jnewland,128,43,723,99 21,technoweenie,,https://github.com/technoweenie,177,106,2635,18 47,jnewland,Jesse Newland,https://github.com/jnewland,128,43,723,99 2,defunkt,Chris Wanstrath,https://github.com/defunkt,107,274,21745,214 47,jnewland,Jesse Newland,https://github.com/jnewland,128,43,723,99 30619330,ruby-git,,https://github.com/ruby-git,1,0,2,0 5,ezmobius,Ezra Zygmuntowicz,https://github.com/ezmobius,22,106,545,13 71,uggedal,Eivind Uggedal,https://github.com/uggedal,47,43,180,0 74,mmower,Matt Mower,https://github.com/mmower,78,126,59,1 75,abhay,Abhay Kumar,https://github.com/abhay,42,2,162,1 77,benburkert,Ben Burkert,https://github.com/benburkert,138,37,200,7 75,abhay,Abhay Kumar,https://github.com/abhay,42,2,162,1 1,mojombo,Tom Preston-Werner,https://github.com/mojombo,66,62,23705,11 90,sr,Simon Rozet,https://github.com/sr,133,56,569,199 106,queso,Josh Owens,https://github.com/queso,83,106,339,23 108,drnic,Dr Nic Williams,https://github.com/drnic,664,265,1752,11 110,danwrong,Dan Webb,https://github.com/danwrong,32,37,345,31 18,wayneeseguin,Wayne E Seguin,https://github.com/wayneeseguin,104,95,731,19 90,sr,Simon Rozet,https://github.com/sr,133,56,569,199 1,mojombo,Tom Preston-Werner,https://github.com/mojombo,66,62,23705,11 36,KirinDave,Dave Fayram,https://github.com/KirinDave,83,97,407,10 90,sr,Simon Rozet,https://github.com/sr,133,56,569,199 113,mattetti,Matt Aimonetti,https://github.com/mattetti,296,354,0,0 117,grempe,Glenn Rempe,https://github.com/grempe,42,10,120,27 18,wayneeseguin,Wayne E Seguin,https://github.com/wayneeseguin,104,95,731,19
create file that contain this data so i can load to a table in hiveID,Login,Name,HTML URL,Public Repos,Public Gists,Followers,Following 1,mojombo,Tom Preston-Werner,https://github.com/mojombo,66,62,23705,11 4,wycats,Yehuda Katz,https://github.com/wycats,284,761,10161,13 317747,rubinius,Rubinius,https://github.com/rubinius,50,0,17,0 17,vanpelt,Chris Van Pelt,https://github.com/vanpelt,58,50,224,20 2,defunkt,Chris Wanstrath,https://github.com/defunkt,107,274,21745,214 21,technoweenie,,https://github.com/technoweenie,177,106,2635,18 25,caged,Justin Palmer,https://github.com/caged,166,99,2361,44 27,anotherjesse,Jesse Andrews,https://github.com/anotherjesse,192,68,229,38 22,macournoyer,Marc-André Cournoyer,https://github.com/macournoyer,66,55,1214,56 37,jamesgolick,James Golick,https://github.com/jamesgolick,110,114,635,30 36,KirinDave,Dave Fayram,https://github.com/KirinDave,83,97,407,10 46,bmizerany,Blake Mizerany,https://github.com/bmizerany,166,170,1399,36 47,jnewland,Jesse Newland,https://github.com/jnewland,128,43,723,99 30619330,ruby-git,,https://github.com/ruby-git,1,0,2,0 5,ezmobius,Ezra Zygmuntowicz,https://github.com/ezmobius,22,106,545,13 71,uggedal,Eivind Uggedal,https://github.com/uggedal,47,43,180,0 74,mmower,Matt Mower,https://github.com/mmower,78,126,59,1 75,abhay,Abhay Kumar,https://github.com/abhay,42,2,162,1 77,benburkert,Ben Burkert,https://github.com/benburkert,138,37,200,7 90,sr,Simon Rozet,https://github.com/sr,133,56,569,199 106,queso,Josh Owens,https://github.com/queso,83,106,339,23 108,drnic,Dr Nic Williams,https://github.com/drnic,664,265,1752,11 110,danwrong,Dan Webb,https://github.com/danwrong,32,37,345,31 18,wayneeseguin,Wayne E Seguin,https://github.com/wayneeseguin,104,95,731,19 113,mattetti,Matt Aimonetti,https://github.com/mattetti,296,354,0,0 117,grempe,Glenn Rempe,https://github.com/grempe,42,10,120,27
1,mojombo,Tom Preston-Werner,https://github.com/mojombo,66,62,23705,11 4,wycats,Yehuda Katz,https://github.com/wycats,284,761,10161,13 317747,rubinius,Rubinius,https://github.com/rubinius,50,0,17,0 17,vanpelt,Chris Van Pelt,https://github.com/vanpelt,58,50,224,20 2,defunkt,Chris Wanstrath,https://github.com/defunkt,107,274,21745,214 21,technoweenie,,https://github.com/technoweenie,177,106,2635,18 25,caged,Justin Palmer,https://github.com/caged,166,99,2361,44 27,anotherjesse,Jesse Andrews,https://github.com/anotherjesse,192,68,229,38 22,macournoyer,Marc-André Cournoyer,https://github.com/macournoyer,66,55,1214,56 37,jamesgolick,James Golick,https://github.com/jamesgolick,110,114,635,30 36,KirinDave,Dave Fayram,https://github.com/KirinDave,83,97,407,10 46,bmizerany,Blake Mizerany,https://github.com/bmizerany,166,170,1399,36 47,jnewland,Jesse Newland,https://github.com/jnewland,128,43,723,99 30619330,ruby-git,,https://github.com/ruby-git,1,0,2,0 5,ezmobius,Ezra Zygmuntowicz,https://github.com/ezmobius,22,106,545,13 71,uggedal,Eivind Uggedal,https://github.com/uggedal,47,43,180,0 74,mmower,Matt Mower,https://github.com/mmower,78,126,59,1 75,abhay,Abhay Kumar,https://github.com/abhay,42,2,162,1 77,benburkert,Ben Burkert,https://github.com/benburkert,138,37,200,7 90,sr,Simon Rozet,https://github.com/sr,133,56,569,199 106,queso,Josh Owens,https://github.com/queso,83,106,339,23 108,drnic,Dr Nic Williams,https://github.com/drnic,664,265,1752,11 110,danwrong,Dan Webb,https://github.com/danwrong,32,37,345,31 18,wayneeseguin,Wayne E Seguin,https://github.com/wayneeseguin,104,95,731,19 113,mattetti,Matt Aimonetti,https://github.com/mattetti,296,354,0,0 117,grempe,Glenn Rempe,https://github.com/grempe,42,10,120,27
- Storing data in
start hadoop & hivecreate databasestart-all.sh hive
create tableCREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS kafka_project; show databases; describe database kafka_project; USE kafka_project;
load file dataCREATE TABLE github_data ( id INT, login STRING, name STRING, html_url STRING, public_repos INT, public_gists INT, num_Followers INT, num_following INT ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' STORED AS TEXTFILE;
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/dexter/Desktop/github_data.csv' INTO TABLE github_data;
SELECT * FROM github_data order by id;
- Storing data in
**Column Family 'github_info'** **Col Name:** id login name html_url public_repos public_gists num_Followers num_following **Data:** 1,mojombo,Tom Preston-Werner,https://github.com/mojombo,66,62,23705,11 4,wycats,Yehuda Katz,https://github.com/wycats,284,761,10161,13 317747,rubinius,Rubinius,https://github.com/rubinius,50,0,17,0 17,vanpelt,Chris Van Pelt,https://github.com/vanpelt,58,50,224,20 2,defunkt,Chris Wanstrath,https://github.com/defunkt,107,274,21745,214 21,technoweenie,,https://github.com/technoweenie,177,106,2635,18 25,caged,Justin Palmer,https://github.com/caged,166,99,2361,44 27,anotherjesse,Jesse Andrews,https://github.com/anotherjesse,192,68,229,38 22,macournoyer,Marc-André Cournoyer,https://github.com/macournoyer,66,55,1214,56 37,jamesgolick,James Golick,https://github.com/jamesgolick,110,114,635,30 36,KirinDave,Dave Fayram,https://github.com/KirinDave,83,97,407,10 46,bmizerany,Blake Mizerany,https://github.com/bmizerany,166,170,1399,36 47,jnewland,Jesse Newland,https://github.com/jnewland,128,43,723,99 30619330,ruby-git,,https://github.com/ruby-git,1,0,2,0 5,ezmobius,Ezra Zygmuntowicz,https://github.com/ezmobius,22,106,545,13 71,uggedal,Eivind Uggedal,https://github.com/uggedal,47,43,180,0 74,mmower,Matt Mower,https://github.com/mmower,78,126,59,1 75,abhay,Abhay Kumar,https://github.com/abhay,42,2,162,1 77,benburkert,Ben Burkert,https://github.com/benburkert,138,37,200,7 90,sr,Simon Rozet,https://github.com/sr,133,56,569,199 106,queso,Josh Owens,https://github.com/queso,83,106,339,23 108,drnic,Dr Nic Williams,https://github.com/drnic,664,265,1752,11 110,danwrong,Dan Webb,https://github.com/danwrong,32,37,345,31 18,wayneeseguin,Wayne E Seguin,https://github.com/wayneeseguin,104,95,731,19 113,mattetti,Matt Aimonetti,https://github.com/mattetti,296,354,0,0 117,grempe,Glenn Rempe,https://github.com/grempe,42,10,120,27
create 'github_users', 'github_info' put 'github_users', '1', 'github_info:id', '1' put 'github_users', '1', 'github_info:login', 'mojombo' put 'github_users', '1', 'github_info:name', 'Tom Preston-Werner' put 'github_users', '1', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/mojombo' put 'github_users', '1', 'github_info:public_repos', '66' put 'github_users', '1', 'github_info:public_gists', '62' put 'github_users', '1', 'github_info:num_followers', '23705' put 'github_users', '1', 'github_info:num_following', '11' put 'github_users', '4', 'github_info:id', '4' put 'github_users', '4', 'github_info:login', 'wycats' put 'github_users', '4', 'github_info:name', 'Yehuda Katz' put 'github_users', '4', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/wycats' put 'github_users', '4', 'github_info:public_repos', '284' put 'github_users', '4', 'github_info:public_gists', '761' put 'github_users', '4', 'github_info:num_followers', '10161' put 'github_users', '4', 'github_info:num_following', '13' put 'github_users', '317747', 'github_info:id', '317747' put 'github_users', '317747', 'github_info:login', 'rubinius' put 'github_users', '317747', 'github_info:name', 'Rubinius' put 'github_users', '317747', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/rubinius' put 'github_users', '317747', 'github_info:public_repos', '50' put 'github_users', '317747', 'github_info:public_gists', '0' put 'github_users', '317747', 'github_info:num_followers', '17' put 'github_users', '317747', 'github_info:num_following', '0' put 'github_users', '17', 'github_info:id', '17' put 'github_users', '17', 'github_info:login', 'vanpelt' put 'github_users', '17', 'github_info:name', 'Chris Van Pelt' put 'github_users', '17', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/vanpelt' put 'github_users', '17', 'github_info:public_repos', '58' put 'github_users', '17', 'github_info:public_gists', '50' put 'github_users', '17', 'github_info:num_followers', '224' put 'github_users', '17', 'github_info:num_following', '20' put 'github_users', '2', 'github_info:id', '2' put 'github_users', '2', 'github_info:login', 'defunkt' put 'github_users', '2', 'github_info:name', 'Chris Wanstrath' put 'github_users', '2', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/defunkt' put 'github_users', '2', 'github_info:public_repos', '107' put 'github_users', '2', 'github_info:public_gists', '274' put 'github_users', '2', 'github_info:num_followers', '21745' put 'github_users', '2', 'github_info:num_following', '214' put 'github_users', '21', 'github_info:id', '21' put 'github_users', '21', 'github_info:login', 'technoweenie' put 'github_users', '21', 'github_info:name', '' put 'github_users', '21', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/technoweenie' put 'github_users', '21', 'github_info:public_repos', '177' put 'github_users', '21', 'github_info:public_gists', '106' put 'github_users', '21', 'github_info:num_followers', '2635' put 'github_users', '21', 'github_info:num_following', '18' put 'github_users', '25', 'github_info:id', '25' put 'github_users', '25', 'github_info:login', 'caged' put 'github_users', '25', 'github_info:name', 'Justin Palmer' put 'github_users', '25', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/caged' put 'github_users', '25', 'github_info:public_repos', '166' put 'github_users', '25', 'github_info:public_gists', '99' put 'github_users', '25', 'github_info:num_followers', '2361' put 'github_users', '25', 'github_info:num_following', '44' put 'github_users', '27', 'github_info:id', '27' put 'github_users', '27', 'github_info:login', 'anotherjesse' put 'github_users', '27', 'github_info:name', 'Jesse Andrews' put 'github_users', '27', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/anotherjesse' put 'github_users', '27', 'github_info:public_repos', '192' put 'github_users', '27', 'github_info:public_gists', '68' put 'github_users', '27', 'github_info:num_followers', '229' put 'github_users', '27', 'github_info:num_following', '38' put 'github_users', '22', 'github_info:id', '22' put 'github_users', '22', 'github_info:login', 'macournoyer' put 'github_users', '22', 'github_info:name', 'Marc-André Cournoyer' put 'github_users', '22', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/macournoyer' put 'github_users', '22', 'github_info:public_repos', '66' put 'github_users', '22', 'github_info:public_gists', '55' put 'github_users', '22', 'github_info:num_followers', '1214' put 'github_users', '22', 'github_info:num_following', '56' put 'github_users', '37', 'github_info:id', '37' put 'github_users', '37', 'github_info:login', 'jamesgolick' put 'github_users', '37', 'github_info:name', 'James Golick' put 'github_users', '37', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/jamesgolick' put 'github_users', '37', 'github_info:public_repos', '110' put 'github_users', '37', 'github_info:public_gists', '114' put 'github_users', '37', 'github_info:num_followers', '635' put 'github_users', '37', 'github_info:num_following', '30' put 'github_users', '36', 'github_info:id', '36' put 'github_users', '36', 'github_info:login', 'KirinDave' put 'github_users', '36', 'github_info:name', 'Dave Fayram' put 'github_users', '36', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/KirinDave' put 'github_users', '36', 'github_info:public_repos', '83' put 'github_users', '36', 'github_info:public_gists', '97' put 'github_users', '36', 'github_info:num_followers', '407' put 'github_users', '36', 'github_info:num_following', '10' put 'github_users', '46', 'github_info:id', '46' put 'github_users', '46', 'github_info:login', 'bmizerany' put 'github_users', '46', 'github_info:name', 'Blake Mizerany' put 'github_users', '46', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/bmizerany' put 'github_users', '46', 'github_info:public_repos', '166' put 'github_users', '46', 'github_info:public_gists', '170' put 'github_users', '46', 'github_info:num_followers', '1399' put 'github_users', '46', 'github_info:num_following', '36' put 'github_users', '47', 'github_info:id', '47' put 'github_users', '47', 'github_info:login', 'jnewland' put 'github_users', '47', 'github_info:name', 'Jesse Newland' put 'github_users', '47', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/jnewland' put 'github_users', '47', 'github_info:public_repos', '128' put 'github_users', '47', 'github_info:public_gists', '43' put 'github_users', '47', 'github_info:num_followers', '723' put 'github_users', '47', 'github_info:num_following', '99' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:id', '30619330' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:login', 'ruby-git' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:name', '' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/ruby-git' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:public_repos', '1' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:public_gists', '0' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:num_followers', '2' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:num_following', '0' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:id', '5' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:login', 'ezmobius' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:name', 'Ezra Zygmuntowicz' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/ezmobius' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:public_repos', '22' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:public_gists', '106' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:num_followers', '545' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:num_following', '13' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:id', '71' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:login', 'uggedal' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:name', 'Eivind Uggedal' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/uggedal' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:public_repos', '47' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:public_gists', '43' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:num_followers', '180' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:num_following', '0' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:id', '74' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:login', 'mmower' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:name', 'Matt Mower' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/mmower' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:public_repos', '78' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:public_gists', '126' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:num_followers', '59' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:num_following', '1'
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put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:id', '30619330' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:login', 'ruby-git' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:name', '' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/ruby-git' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:public_repos', '1' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:public_gists', '0' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:num_followers', '2' put 'github_users', '30619330', 'github_info:num_following', '0' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:id', '5' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:login', 'ezmobius' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:name', 'Ezra Zygmuntowicz' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/ezmobius' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:public_repos', '22' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:public_gists', '106' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:num_followers', '545' put 'github_users', '5', 'github_info:num_following', '13' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:id', '71' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:login', 'uggedal' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:name', 'Eivind Uggedal' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/uggedal' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:public_repos', '47' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:public_gists', '43' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:num_followers', '180' put 'github_users', '71', 'github_info:num_following', '0' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:id', '74' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:login', 'mmower' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:name', 'Matt Mower' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/mmower' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:public_repos', '78' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:public_gists', '126' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:num_followers', '59' put 'github_users', '74', 'github_info:num_following', '1' put 'github_users', '75', 'github_info:id', '75' put 'github_users', '75', 'github_info:login', 'abhay' put 'github_users', '75', 'github_info:name', 'Abhay Kumar' put 'github_users', '75', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/abhay' put 'github_users', '75', 'github_info:public_repos', '42' put 'github_users', '75', 'github_info:public_gists', '2' put 'github_users', '75', 'github_info:num_followers', '162' put 'github_users', '75', 'github_info:num_following', '1' put 'github_users', '77', 'github_info:id', '77' put 'github_users', '77', 'github_info:login', 'benburkert' put 'github_users', '77', 'github_info:name', 'Ben Burkert' put 'github_users', '77', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/benburkert' put 'github_users', '77', 'github_info:public_repos', '138' put 'github_users', '77', 'github_info:public_gists', '37' put 'github_users', '77', 'github_info:num_followers', '200' put 'github_users', '77', 'github_info:num_following', '7' put 'github_users', '90', 'github_info:id', '90' put 'github_users', '90', 'github_info:login', 'sr' put 'github_users', '90', 'github_info:name', 'Simon Rozet' put 'github_users', '90', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/sr' put 'github_users', '90', 'github_info:public_repos', '133' put 'github_users', '90', 'github_info:public_gists', '56' put 'github_users', '90', 'github_info:num_followers', '569' put 'github_users', '90', 'github_info:num_following', '199' put 'github_users', '106', 'github_info:id', '106' put 'github_users', '106', 'github_info:login', 'queso' put 'github_users', '106', 'github_info:name', 'Josh Owens' put 'github_users', '106', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/queso' put 'github_users', '106', 'github_info:public_repos', '83' put 'github_users', '106', 'github_info:public_gists', '106' put 'github_users', '106', 'github_info:num_followers', '339' put 'github_users', '106', 'github_info:num_following', '23' put 'github_users', '108', 'github_info:id', '108' put 'github_users', '108', 'github_info:login', 'drnic' put 'github_users', '108', 'github_info:name', 'Dr Nic Williams' put 'github_users', '108', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/drnic' put 'github_users', '108', 'github_info:public_repos', '664' put 'github_users', '108', 'github_info:public_gists', '265' put 'github_users', '108', 'github_info:num_followers', '1752' put 'github_users', '108', 'github_info:num_following', '11' put 'github_users', '110', 'github_info:id', '110' put 'github_users', '110', 'github_info:login', 'danwrong' put 'github_users', '110', 'github_info:name', 'Dan Webb' put 'github_users', '110', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/danwrong' put 'github_users', '110', 'github_info:public_repos', '32' put 'github_users', '110', 'github_info:public_gists', '37' put 'github_users', '110', 'github_info:num_followers', '345' put 'github_users', '110', 'github_info:num_following', '31' put 'github_users', '18', 'github_info:id', '18' put 'github_users', '18', 'github_info:login', 'wayneeseguin' put 'github_users', '18', 'github_info:name', 'Wayne E Seguin' put 'github_users', '18', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/wayneeseguin' put 'github_users', '18', 'github_info:public_repos', '104' put 'github_users', '18', 'github_info:public_gists', '95' put 'github_users', '18', 'github_info:num_followers', '731' put 'github_users', '18', 'github_info:num_following', '19' put 'github_users', '113', 'github_info:id', '113' put 'github_users', '113', 'github_info:login', 'mattetti' put 'github_users', '113', 'github_info:name', 'Matt Aimonetti' put 'github_users', '113', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/mattetti' put 'github_users', '113', 'github_info:public_repos', '296' put 'github_users', '113', 'github_info:public_gists', '354' put 'github_users', '113', 'github_info:num_followers', '0' put 'github_users', '113', 'github_info:num_following', '0' put 'github_users', '117', 'github_info:id', '117' put 'github_users', '117', 'github_info:login', 'grempe' put 'github_users', '117', 'github_info:name', 'Glenn Rempe' put 'github_users', '117', 'github_info:html_url', 'https://github.com/grempe' put 'github_users', '117', 'github_info:public_repos', '42' put 'github_users', '117', 'github_info:public_gists', '10' put 'github_users', '117', 'github_info:num_followers', '120' put 'github_users', '117', 'github_info:num_following', '27'
- Installation of requirements
should be compatibles meaning same version (1.16.3)- install
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uW6u_zuloo# start flink cd flink # to start cluster ./bin/start-cluster.sh # localhost interface localhost:8081 # to close cluseter ./bin/stop-cluster.sh
- Make sure Python 3 is installed on your machine
python3 --version # to install python 3 & update packages sudo apt update sudo apt install python3 sudo apt dist-upgrade
- pip3
pip3 --version
requirementsApache Flink Python API depends on Py4J (currently version, CloudPickle (currently version 2.2.0), python-dateutil (currently version >=2.8.0,<3), Apache Beam (currently version >=2.43.0,<2.49.0).
- install
pip3 install apache-flink # check if it installed pip3 show apache-flink
**from pyflink.table import TableEnvironment, EnvironmentSettings** # if this line is not marked it means that pyflink is installed
- install flink jar connector it should be compatible with
flink, pyflink
version (1.16.3)https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.flink/flink-sql-connector-kafka # navigate where you have it copy the path & place in "file://path to flink kafka connector jar"
- install
- Setup
- if you installed
** correctly this line should not be marked**from pyflink.table import TableEnvironment, EnvironmentSettings** # if this line is not marked it means that pyflink is installed
- navigate where you have
it copy the path & place in"file://path to flink kafka connector jar"
- create table base on attribute of your api data & replace information about your
properties# example CREATE TABLE source_table( ..... ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'kafka', 'topic' = '<your topic name>', 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092', 'properties.group.id' = 'test_3', 'scan.startup.mode' = 'latest-offset', 'format' = 'json' )
- before execution make sure you have
started - run the Producer file first then
- if you installed
- flink & kafka streaming code
from pyflink.table import TableEnvironment, EnvironmentSettings # Create a TableEnvironment env_settings = EnvironmentSettings.in_streaming_mode() t_env = TableEnvironment.create(env_settings) # Specify connector and format jars t_env.get_config().get_configuration().set_string( "pipeline.jars", "file:///home/dexter/Desktop/kafka_project/flink-sql-connector-kafka-1.16.3.jar" ) # Define source table DDL source_ddl = """ CREATE TABLE source_table ( ID BIGINT, Login VARCHAR, Name VARCHAR, HTML_URL VARCHAR, Public_Repos INT, Public_Gists INT, Followers INT, Following INT ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'kafka', 'topic' = 'my_topic', 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092', 'properties.group.id' = 'test_3', 'scan.startup.mode' = 'latest-offset', 'format' = 'json' ) """ # Execute DDL statement to create the source table t_env.execute_sql(source_ddl) # Retrieve the source table source_table = t_env.from_path('source_table') print("Source Table Schema:") source_table.print_schema() # Define a SQL query to select all columns from the source table sql_query = "SELECT * FROM source_table" # Execute the query and retrieve the result table result_table = t_env.sql_query(sql_query) # Print the result table to the console result_table.execute().print()
dexter@dexter-VirtualBox:~/Desktop/kafka_project/RealTimeStreamingPig.py Kafka_Flink_Pipeline$ python3 kafka_flink_streaming Source Table Schema: ( `ID` BIGINT, `Login` STRING, `Name` STRING, `HTML_URL` STRING, `Public_Repos` INT, `Public_Gists` INT, `Followers` INT, `Following` INT ) +----+----------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+ | op | ID | Login | Name | HTML_URL | Public_Repos | Public_Gists | Followers | Following | +----+----------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+ | +I | 71 | uggedal | Eivind Uggedal | https://github.com/uggedal | 47 | 43 | 180 | 0 | | +I | 74 | mmower | Matt Mower | https://github.com/mmower | 78 | 126 | 59 | 1 | | +I | 75 | abhay | Abhay Kumar | https://github.com/abhay | 42 | 2 | 162 | 1 | | +I | 77 | benburkert | Ben Burkert | https://github.com/benburkert | 138 | 37 | 200 | 7 | | +I | 75 | abhay | Abhay Kumar | https://github.com/abhay | 42 | 2 | 162 | 1 | | +I | 1 | mojombo | Tom Preston-Werner | https://github.com/mojombo | 66 | 62 | 23705 | 11 | | +I | 90 | sr | Simon Rozet | https://github.com/sr | 133 | 56 | 573 | 199 | | +I | 106 | queso | Josh Owens | https://github.com/queso | 83 | 106 | 338 | 23 | | +I | 108 | drnic | Dr Nic Williams | https://github.com/drnic | 664 | 265 | 1754 | 11 | | +I | 110 | danwrong | Dan Webb | https://github.com/danwrong | 32 | 37 | 345 | 31 | | +I | 18 | wayneeseguin | Wayne E Seguin | https://github.com/wayneese... | 104 | 95 | 733 | 19 | | +I | 90 | sr | Simon Rozet | https://github.com/sr | 133 | 56 | 573 | 199 | | +I | 1 | mojombo | Tom Preston-Werner | https://github.com/mojombo | 66 | 62 | 23705 | 11 | | +I | 36 | KirinDave | Dave Fayram | https://github.com/KirinDave | 83 | 97 | 408 | 10 | | +I | 90 | sr | Simon Rozet | https://github.com/sr | 133 | 56 | 573 | 199 | | +I | 113 | mattetti | Matt Aimonetti | https://github.com/mattetti | 296 | 354 | 0 | 0 | | +I | 117 | grempe | Glenn Rempe | https://github.com/grempe | 42 | 10 | 120 | 27 | | +I | 18 | wayneeseguin | Wayne E Seguin | https://github.com/wayneese... | 104 | 95 | 733 | 19 | | +I | 18 | wayneeseguin | Wayne E Seguin | https://github.com/wayneese... | 104 | 95 | 733 | 19 | | +I | 18 | wayneeseguin | Wayne E Seguin | https://github.com/wayneese... | 104 | 95 | 733 | 19 | | +I | 18 | wayneeseguin | Wayne E Seguin | https://github.com/wayneese... | 104 | 95 | 733 | 19 | | +I | 18 | wayneeseguin | Wayne E Seguin | https://github.com/wayneese... | 104 | 95 | 733 | 19 | | +I | 18 | wayneeseguin | Wayne E Seguin | https://github.com/wayneese... | 104 | 95 | 733 | 19 | | +I | 46 | bmizerany | Blake Mizerany | https://github.com/bmizerany | 166 | 170 | 1400 | 36 | | +I | 118 | peterc | Peter Cooper | https://github.com/peterc | 42 | 201 | 663 | 61 | | +I | 49 | hornbeck | John Hornbeck | https://github.com/hornbeck | 8 | 35 | 70 | 35 | | +I | 121 | up_the_irons | Garry Dolley | https://github.com/up_the_i... | 43 | 4 | 34 | 6 | | +I | 4 | wycats | Yehuda Katz | https://github.com/wycats | 284 | 761 | 10166 | 13 | | +I | 121 | up_the_irons | Garry Dolley | https://github.com/up_the_i... | 43 | 4 | 34 | 6 | | +I | 2 | defunkt | Chris Wanstrath | https://github.com/defunkt | 107 | 274 | 21749 | 214 | | +I | 38 | atmos | Corey Donohoe | https://github.com/atmos | 170 | 178 | 1314 | 167 | | +I | 124 | brosner | Brian Rosner | https://github.com/brosner | 113 | 22 | 929 | 111 | | +I | 121 | up_the_irons | Garry Dolley | https://github.com/up_the_i... | 43 | 4 | 34 | 6 | | +I | 134 | jnicklas | Jonas Nicklas | https://github.com/jnicklas | 147 | 95 | 843 | 8 | | +I | 122 | cristibalan | Cristi Balan | https://github.com/cristibalan | 24 | 18 | 84 | 34 | | +I | 134 | jnicklas | Jonas Nicklas | https://github.com/jnicklas | 147 | 95 | 843 | 8 | | +I | 136 | simonjefford | Simon Jefford | https://github.com/simonjef... | 81 | 48 | 33 | 3 | | +I | 139 | leahneukirchen | Leah Neukirchen | https://github.com/leahneuk... | 188 | 8 | 1195 | 9 | | +I | 139 | leahneukirchen | Leah Neukirchen | https://github.com/leahneuk... | 188 | 8 | 1195 | 9 | | +I | 108 | drnic | Dr Nic Williams | https://github.com/drnic | 664 | 265 | 1754 | 11 | | +I | 81 | engineyard | Engine Yard, Inc. | https://github.com/engineyard | 335 | 25 | 10 | 0 | | +I | 139 | leahneukirchen | Leah Neukirchen | https://github.com/leahneuk... | 188 | 8 | 1195 | 9 | | +I | 18 | wayneeseguin | Wayne E Seguin | https://github.com/wayneese... | 104 | 95 | 733 | 19 | | +I | 20 | kevinclark | Kevin Clark | https://github.com/kevinclark | 41 | 30 | 109 | 6 | | +I | 49 | hornbeck | John Hornbeck | https://github.com/hornbeck | 8 | 35 | 70 | 35 | | +I | 124 | brosner | Brian Rosner | https://github.com/brosner | 113 | 22 | 929 | 111 | | +I | 141 | technomancy | Phil Hagelberg | https://github.com/technomancy | 98 | 56 | 2087 | 0 | | +I | 25 | caged | Justin Palmer | https://github.com/caged | 166 | 99 | 2363 | 44 | | +I | 25 | caged | Justin Palmer | https://github.com/caged | 166 | 99 | 2363 | 44 | | +I | 150 | sevenwire | Sevenwire | https://github.com/sevenwire | 14 | 1 | 2 | 0 | | +I | 159 | technicalpickles | Josh Nichols | https://github.com/technica... | 350 | 301 | 978 | 164 | | +I | 145 | lazyatom | James Adam | https://github.com/lazyatom | 90 | 58 | 197 | 18 | | +I | 137 | josh | Joshua Peek | https://github.com/josh | 28 | 0 | 2421 | 213 | | +I | 164 | cdcarter | Christian Carter | https://github.com/cdcarter | 91 | 37 | 39 | 15 | | +I | 47 | jnewland | Jesse Newland | https://github.com/jnewland | 128 | 43 | 723 | 99 | | +I | 68 | bs | Britt Selvitelle | https://github.com/bs | 32 | 17 | 137 | 53 | | +I | 90 | sr | Simon Rozet | https://github.com/sr | 133 | 56 | 573 | 199 | | +I | 128 | collectiveidea | Collective Idea | https://github.com/collecti... | 174 | 7 | 30 | 0 | | +I | 128 | collectiveidea | Collective Idea | https://github.com/collecti... | 174 | 7 | 30 | 0 | | +I | 128 | collectiveidea | Collective Idea | https://github.com/collecti... | 174 | 7 | 30 | 0 | | +I | 128 | collectiveidea | Collective Idea | https://github.com/collecti... | 174 | 7 | 30 | 0 | | +I | 128 | collectiveidea | Collective Idea | https://github.com/collecti... | 174 | 7 | 30 | 0 | | +I | 128 | collectiveidea | Collective Idea | https://github.com/collecti... | 174 | 7 | 30 | 0 | | +I | 128 | collectiveidea | Collective Idea | https://github.com/collecti... | 174 | 7 | 30 | 0 |
- installation
- installing elastic
wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.17.15-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
- extract it
tar -xzf elasticsearch-7.17.15-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
- navigate to it
cd elasticsearch-7.17.15/
- run elastic
- if you saw this Warning
warning: usage of JAVA_HOME is deprecated, use ES_JAVA_HOME Future versions of Elasticsearch will require Java 11; your Java version from [/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre] does not meet this requirement. Consider switching to a distribution of Elasticsearch with a bundled JDK. If you are already using a distribution with a bundled JDK, ensure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set. warning: usage of JAVA_HOME is deprecated, use ES_JAVA_HOME Future versions of Elasticsearch will require Java 11; your Java version from [/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre] does not meet this requirement. Consider switching to a distribution of Elasticsearch with a bundled JDK. If you are already using a distribution with a bundled JDK, ensure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set.
- stop elastic
ctrl + c
- copy the path where your
java 11
located & execute it inbashrc
gedit ~/.bashrc # replace the path with your path export ES_JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64 /home/dexter/Desktop/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch source ~/.bashrc
- stop elastic
cluster is running inthe page is inlocalhost:9200
format you should se output similar to thisname "dexter-VirtualBox" cluster_name "elasticsearch" cluster_uuid "9iQNBdY9TuyYczdM2n162g" version number "7.17.15" build_flavor "default" build_type "tar" build_hash "0b8ecfb4378335f4689c4223d1f1115f16bef3ba" build_date "2023-11-10T22:03:46.987399016Z" build_snapshot false lucene_version "8.11.1" minimum_wire_compatibility_version "6.8.0" minimum_index_compatibility_version "6.0.0-beta1" tagline "You Know, for Search"
- installing kibana
curl -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/kibana/kibana-7.17.15-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
- extract it
tar -xzf kibana-7.17.15-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
- navigate to it
cd kibana-7.17.15-linux-x86_64/
- run it [elastic should be started in order to access elastic web interface UI]
is running inlocalhost:5601
- installing elastic
- setup
- make sure you put the correct path to your connector jars & include ; in the first one
# Specify connector and format jars t_env.get_config().get_configuration().set_string( "pipeline.jars", "file:///path to/flink-sql-connector-kafka-1.16.3.jar;" "file:///path to/flink-sql-connector-elasticsearch7-3.0.1-1.17.jar" )
- put the right properties
# Define source table DDL source_ddl = """ CREATE TABLE source_table ( .... ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'kafka', 'topic' = '<your topic name>', 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092', 'properties.group.id' = 'test_3', 'scan.startup.mode' = 'latest-offset', 'format' = 'json' ) """ # Define sink table DDL sink_ddl = """ CREATE TABLE sink_table( ... ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'elasticsearch-7', 'index' = '<give this a name>', 'hosts' = 'http://localhost:9200', 'format' = 'json' ) """
- replace the last lines with this
# Process the data result_table = source_table # Retrieve the sink table sink_table = t_env.from_path('sink_table') print("Sink Table Schema:") sink_table.print_schema() # Insert the processed data into the sink table result_table.execute_insert('sink_table').wait()
- run all (kafka , flink , elastic , kibana)
bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties ./bin/start-cluster.sh ./bin/elasticsearch ./bin/kibana
- make sure you put the correct path to your connector jars & include ; in the first one
- kafka - flink - elastic - kibana streaming code
- make sure that kafka , flink , elastic , kibana are running
- execute this code first then the
from pyflink.table import TableEnvironment, EnvironmentSettings # Create a TableEnvironment env_settings = EnvironmentSettings.in_streaming_mode() t_env = TableEnvironment.create(env_settings) # Specify connector and format jars t_env.get_config().get_configuration().set_string( "pipeline.jars", "file:///home/dexter/Desktop/kafka_project/flink-sql-connector-kafka-1.16.3.jar;" "file:///home/dexter/Desktop/kafka_project/flink-sql-connector-elasticsearch7-3.0.1-1.17.jar" ) # Define source table DDL source_ddl = """ CREATE TABLE source_table ( ID BIGINT, Login VARCHAR, Name VARCHAR, HTML_URL VARCHAR, Public_Repos INT, Public_Gists INT, Followers INT, Following INT ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'kafka', 'topic' = 'my_topic', 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092', 'properties.group.id' = 'test_3', 'scan.startup.mode' = 'latest-offset', 'format' = 'json' ) """ # Define sink table DDL sink_ddl = """ CREATE TABLE sink_table( ID BIGINT, Login VARCHAR, Name VARCHAR, HTML_URL VARCHAR, Public_Repos INT, Public_Gists INT, Followers INT, Following INT ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'elasticsearch-7', 'index' = 'my_data', 'hosts' = 'http://localhost:9200', 'format' = 'json' ) """ # Execute DDL statements to create tables t_env.execute_sql(source_ddl) t_env.execute_sql(sink_ddl) # Retrieve the source table source_table = t_env.from_path('source_table') print("Source Table Schema:") source_table.print_schema() # Process the data result_table = source_table # Retrieve the sink table sink_table = t_env.from_path('sink_table') print("Sink Table Schema:") sink_table.print_schema() # Insert the processed data into the sink table result_table.execute_insert('sink_table').wait()
- if the code runs correctly
- navigate to localhost:5601
- in side bar: Stack Management > Index Management > indices
- you should see the name of index written before in the code example:
'index' = 'my_data'
- navigate to index Patterns in the same level & create template with the same name of the index example : “my_data”
- now inside bar navigate to Dashboard > Create you should see the index then drag & drop the columns from the left side & choose the proper data schema
- Word count code
- run this then producer of kafka
from pyflink.table.expressions import col, lit from pyflink.common import Row from pyflink.table.udf import udf, udtf, ScalarFunction from nltk.corpus import stopwords import codecs import re import string from pyflink.table import ( DataTypes, TableEnvironment, EnvironmentSettings ) def word_count_stream_processing(): # Create a TableEnvironment env_settings = EnvironmentSettings.in_streaming_mode() t_env = TableEnvironment.create(env_settings) # Specify connector and format jars t_env.get_config().get_configuration().set_string( "pipeline.jars", "file:///home/dexter/Desktop/kafka_project/flink-sql-connector-kafka-1.16.3.jar;" "file:///home/dexter/Desktop/kafka_project/flink-sql-connector-elasticsearch7-3.0.1-1.17.jar" ) # Define source table DDL source_ddl = """ CREATE TABLE source_table ( ID BIGINT, Login VARCHAR, Name VARCHAR, HTML_URL VARCHAR, Public_Repos INT, Public_Gists INT, Followers INT, Following INT ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'kafka', 'topic' = 'my_topic', 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092', 'properties.group.id' = 'test_3', 'scan.startup.mode' = 'latest-offset', 'format' = 'json' ) """ sink_ddl = """ CREATE TABLE sink_table( word VARCHAR, number BIGINT ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'elasticsearch-7', 'index' = 'demo-word-count', 'hosts' = 'http://localhost:9200', 'format' = 'json' ) """ # Execute source and sink DDLs t_env.execute_sql(source_ddl) t_env.execute_sql(sink_ddl) # Read from source table source_table = t_env.from_path('source_table') print("\nKafka source table Schema") source_table.print_schema() # Preprocess the tweet text @udf(result_type=DataTypes.STRING()) def preprocess_text(review): review = codecs.decode(review, 'unicode_escape') # remove escape characters review = review[2:-1] review = re.sub('((www\.[^\s]+)|(https?://[^\s]+))', 'URL', review) review = re.sub('[^\x00-\x7f]', '', review) review = re.sub('@[^\s]+', 'USER', review) review = re.sub('RT', '', review) review = review.lower().replace("ё", "е") review = re.sub('[^a-zA-Zа-яА-Я1-9]+', ' ', review) review = re.sub(' +', ' ', review) return review.strip() processed_table = source_table.select(preprocess_text(col('HTML_URL'))) print("\nData cleaning and processing ...") # Split lines into words @udtf(result_types=[DataTypes.STRING()]) def split(line: Row): for s in line[0].split(): yield Row(s) word_table = processed_table.flat_map(split).alias('word') print("\n\n Splitting lines to words ...") # Normalize the word by removing punctuation @udf(result_type=DataTypes.STRING()) def normalize(word: str): return word.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)) normalized_table = word_table.select(normalize(col('word')).alias('word')) print("Removing stop words (the, is, a, an, ...)") # Initialize the stop word resource with NLTK class RemoveStopWord(ScalarFunction): stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) def eval(self, word: str): return word not in self.stop_words remove_stop_words_udf = udf(RemoveStopWord(), result_type=DataTypes.BOOLEAN()) filtered_table = normalized_table.filter(remove_stop_words_udf(col('word'))) # Compute the word count using Table API result = filtered_table.group_by(col('word')) \ .select(col('word'), lit(1).count.alias('number')) result.execute_insert('sink_table').wait() print("Processing complete!") word_count_stream_processing()
bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --topic my_topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
bin/kafka-topics.sh --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --topic my_topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning
# to check if there is any elastic running
ps aux | grep elasticsearch
# kill the process
pkill -f elasticsearch
# to check if there is any elastic running
ps aux | grep elasticsearch
# kill the process
pkill -f elasticsearch
sudo systemctl stop elasticsearch
sudo apt-get purge elasticsearch
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo rm -rf /etc/elasticsearch
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/elasticsearch
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/elasticsearch
sudo systemctl stop kibana
sudo apt-get remove kibana
sudo apt-get purge kibana
wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.17.15-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xzf elasticsearch-7.17.15-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
cd elasticsearch-7.17.15/
elastic: localhost:9200
# for elasticsearch write in terminal this
export ES_JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
installation kibana:
curl -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/kibana/kibana-7.17.15-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xzf kibana-7.17.15-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
cd kibana-7.17.15-linux-x86_64/
kibana: localhost:5601