This is our final project as part of the requirement of the course Windows Programming (CS223). It is a winform app that allows users to book a concert event of their choice, a user can only book 5 tickets for a concert event at a time, this policy is in effect to discourage unfair ticket-buying practices. It has a 2-level user category: one as an administrator with special privileges such as adding/editing/removing concert events, artists, and genres and another for a regular customer. All the data in this application is stored and handeled using SQL server.
- C#
- SQL Server
- .NET Framework
- Git, Github.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- You'll need to have:
- A basic understanding of Git and GitHub.
- SQL Server managment studio.
To get a local copy up and running you'll need to have SQL Server managment studio installed on your local machine.
After installing SQL Server managment studio please follow the next steps...
- Start by cloning this repo (if you haven't already...)
- Open SQL Server managment studio
- Goto View > Object Explorer
- Then right click on Databases folder, and select New Database...
- Give the new database a name of 'Concert' and click OK.
- Open the file InitialSetup.sql from the Database/ directory of where you cloned this repo and follow the next steps.
- Execute the CREATE TABLE commands in the following order:
- 1st CREATE TABLE Venue, 2nd CREATE TABLE genre, 3rd CREATE TABLE Artist
- 4th CREATE TABLE Customer, 5th CREATE TABLE Concert, 6th CREATE TABLE Ticket and finally CREATE TABLE customer_order
- After you've created the tables you can insert the values:
- Select everything starting from the first INSERT INTO Customer statment to the last line and click on the execute button.
- To open the application go to bin/Debug of where you cloned this repo and open the file called FinalProject.exe
-- To clone this project use:
git clone
👤 Abel Gebeyehu
GitHub: @AbelG101
LinkedIn: Abel Gebeyehu
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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