Basically the project is divided in several parts.
- The first part consists of two comparators .The first comparsion is between algorithm of MINIMUM SPANNING TREE and the second comparison among three algorithms of MAX-FLOW NETWORK. For better understanding of MST algorithms, there is implementation of both Prim and Kruskal. In the code I have used basic running time calculation of the algorithms. The graph is constructed using random weight and using all the nodes of the graph. The three algorithms for max flow are described with their implementation and their ideas.
- The second part is to understand the debt simplifier problem and try to think it using max flow network algorithm. It is described with some example. It also has visual solution of debt simplifing , in which random graph is made and their connections with some probability factor is made.
- The max-flow algorithm implementation for debt simplifier will be added after some time. It doesn't use any max flow algorithm but it is basic implementation which involves heaps, given in the document.
- The third part is a basic Competitive Programming Guide for Graphs. It consists of how to start and deal with the graphs and problems related to different algorithms of graph theory.