- 🤔 Exploring new technologies and developing software solutions.
- 🎓 Graduated from IIT(BHU),Varanasi in Electronics and Communication Engg.
- 💼 Software Engineer at Paytm.
- 🌱 Learning more about Full stack web development.
- 🧐 Interested in Autonomous Drone,Robots, AI, IOT and Embedded systems.
- ₿ Abhi-Crypto (Github) 🛒 MERN E-commerce website. (Github). 💬 React chat app (Github). 📝 React Keeper (Github)
- 📚 Css_Books (Github). 🖊️ Bootstrap_website (Github). 📝 Css_miniprojects(Github)
- ✍️ Abhi-Blog (Github). 📝 abhi-todolist (Github). 💼 css_website (Github)
- 🧠 Simon game (Github). 🥁 Abhi-Band (Github)
- 📰 Newsletter (Github). 🤖 Smat_selfbalancing_Robot (Github). 🖊️ SmartPen (Github). 🤖 Ludo-Solving-Robot (Github)
⭐️ From Abhishekk