Web Scraping is a useful method to fetch the latest data from the web which you can, later on, implement in a RESTful API. Then, we’ll use this API to retrieve and study data easily. You can develop this in either Python or Node.js
where the end-user get’s the latest result of the value of most of the cryptocurrencies.
https://goldprice.org/cryptocurrency-price or any other crypto list site which you prefer.
◆ all: on requesting ‘all’, the end-user should get all the data i.e., data of all cryptocurrencies values in one JSON
◆ : for example ethereum then the end-user should get the data regarding ethereum only.
◆ Python
● <your-ip>/api/all (for all data)
● <your-ip>/api/crypto?req=<crypto-name> (for specific crypto
regarding data)
◆ Node.js
● <your-ip>/api/all (for all data)
● <your-ip>/api/crypto/<crypto-name> (for specific crypto regarding
● For Web Scraping
○ BeautifulSoup or
○ Node.js & Cheerio or
○ In any other stack, you prefer
● For building RESTful API
○ Flask or
WSGI Server:
■ Waitress or
■ Gunicorn (doesn’t supports Windows)
○ FastAPI or WSGI Server:
■ Waitress or
■ Gunicorn (doesn’t supports Windows)
○ Express Framework (node.js) or
○ In any other stack, you prefer