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A lightweight AsyncIO HTTP API for serverless functions like AWS lambda.


  • Asyncio in AWS lambda.
  • FastAPI inspired routing, parameters and exception handling.
  • Detailed JSON formatted access log.
  • X-Request-ID header support (Including in logs).
  • Configurable request timeout.
  • Optional input validation using Pydantic.
  • Optional JSON serialization/deserialization speedup with Orjson.
  • Optional speedups using accelerated libraries (Like UVloop and ORJson).

Supported backends:

  • AWS Lambda
    • Request/responses are in API Gateway format (Only the format is required, but can be triggered without using the API Gateway service).
    • Support batches or requests with AWS SQS queue, AWS SNS or AWS MQ.
    • JSON access logs works well with AWS Cloudwatch Insight.

Not supported yet:

  • Routes with variables (Like "/items/{item_id}").
  • Query strings.
  • Pydantic models as response or request body.
  • More backends.
  • AWS Lambda backend: AWS SSM parameter store helper.


Usage with AWS lambda

Function code example (

from aio_lambda_api import Handler

handler = Handler()

def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "World"}

AWS lambda function handler must be configured to app.handler.


The aio_lambda_api.Handler class provides decorators to configure routes for each HTTP method:

  • Handler.get(): GET.
  • Handler.head(): HEAD.
  • POST.
  • Handler.put(): PUT.
  • Handler.patch(): PATCH.
  • Handler.delete(): DELETE.
  • Handler.options(): OPTIONS.

For all decorators, the first arguments is the HTTP path and is required.

The decorated function is executed when the defined HTTP path and method matches.

By default, the body of the request is parsed as JSON and injected in the function as arguments. If Pydantic is installed, parameters are validated against arguments types annotations.

The decorated function must return a JSON serializable object or None. If the function returns None, the returned status code is automatically set to 204.

Exception handling

It is possible to trigger a response using the aio_lambda_api.HTTPException as follow:

from aio_lambda_api import Handler, HTTPException

handler = Handler()

items = {"foo": "The Foo Wrestlers"}

async def read_item(item_id: str):
    if item_id not in items:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Item not found")
    return {"item": items[item_id]}

If an exception is risen in routes functions, the behavior is the following:

  • aio_lambda_api.HTTPException: Converted to HTTP response with the specified body and returns code.
  • pydantic.ValidationError: Converted to 422 HTTP error response with Pydantic error details as body.
  • Other exceptions: Reraised. Callers using the Lambda API will be able to analyse the error like any other Python lambda error (With errorType, errorMessage and stackTrace) Callers using an HTTP endpoint/API gateway will receive a simple 500 error with no details.

Customizing responses

Return code

It is possible to select the return code (when no exception occurs) using the status_code argument. If not specified 200 is used.

from aio_lambda_api import Handler

handler = Handler()

@handler.get("/", status_code=201)
def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "World"}


It is possible to configure headers by using the Response object from arguments:

from aio_lambda_api import Handler, Response

handler = Handler()

async def read_item(response: Response):
    response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"

    return {"Hello": "World"}

Custom response

It is possible to fully configure the response by returning the Response object.

from aio_lambda_api import Handler, Response

handler = Handler()

async def read_item():
    return Response(

The default Response class accept str or bytes as content.

The JSONResponse object is also available, it is the default response object when not explicitly set.

It is possible to create a subclass of Response class to have a custom behavior. The Response.render method is responsible for the serialization of the response.

Note: If a response class returns a bytes content after Response.render, this content will be base64 encoded automatically in the API Gateway compatible response returned.

Accessing Request data

It is possible to access request data by using the Request object from arguments:

from aio_lambda_api import Handler, Request

handler = Handler()

async def read_item(request: Request):
    user_agent = request.headers["user-agent"]
    return {"Hello": user_agent}

Note: All headers keys are lowercase in the Request object.


An access log is automatically generated using the Jhalog-Python library.

All request and all exceptions from routes functions are logged in the access log (Including reraised 500 errors.)

When raising aio_lambda_api.HTTPException, it is possible to add extra information to the logs using the error_detail arguments (This will be shown in logs but will not be visible by the client in the response).

The logger dict can be accessed from any routes functions using the aio_lambda_api.get_logger function. This can be used to add custom logs entries. All log entries must be JSON serializable.

Defaults log fields:

  • error_detail: error_detail argument value of aio_lambda_api.HTTPException.
  • execution_time: Execution time in ms of the route function.
  • level: Logging level (info, warning, error, critical).
  • method: HTTP method of the request.
  • path: HTTP path of the request.
  • id: X-Request-Id header is present.
  • server_id: Server running the function.
  • status_code: HTTP status code of the response.

Async initialization

In AWS lambda the asyncio context is limited to the routes functions.

But, the aio_lambda_api.Handler class provides methods to run async function outside routes functions:

  • Handler.run_async: Runs an async function and returns the result.
  • Handler.enter_async_context: Initialize an async contextmanager and returns the initialized object. The Context manager is also attached to the aio_lambda_api.Handler exit stack (And will be exited with the handler; note that there is no guarantee that this is executed with AWS lambda).
from aio_lambda_api import Handler
from database import Database

handler = Handler()

# Initialize a database connection outside routes functions
# AWS lambda will keep this value cached between runs

async def init_database():
  db = Database()
  await db.connect()
  return db

DB = handler.run_async(init_database())

# Variable can then be used normally from routes functions

def get_fron_db():
  return await"*")



These settings are passed to the handle with environment variables.

  • FUNCTION_TIMEOUT: The route function call timeout in seconds. Available as aio_lambda_api.settings.FUNCTION_TIMEOUT. Default to 30s.
  • CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: Global connection timeout in seconds. Available as aio_lambda_api.settings.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT. Also used in Default to 5s.
  • READ_TIMEOUT: Global read timeout in seconds. Available as aio_lambda_api.settings.READ_TIMEOUT. Also used in Default to 15s.
  • BOTO_PARAMETER_VALIDATION: If set enable boto3 input validation in Disabled by default to improve performance.
  • BOTO_MAX_POOL_CONNECTIONS: boto3 max_pool_connections in Default to 100.

AWS utilities

Botocore default config.

A botocore.client.Config is provided by aio_lambda_api.backends.aws_lambda.Backend.botocore_config() and can be used with aioboto3 clients and resources.

import aioboto3
from aio_lambda_api.backends.aws_lambda import Backend

session = aioboto3.Session()
async with session.resource("s3", config=Backend.botocore_config()) as s3:

When using aio_lambda_api.backends.aws_lambda.Backend.botocore_config(), botocore/aiobotocore is configured to use orjson is available to speed up JSON serialization/deserialization.

If the speedups extra is installed, aiohttp is installed with its own speedups extra. Since aiobotocore and aioboto3 rely on aiohttp, this will also improve their performance.


Minimal installation:

pip install aio-lambda-api

Installations with extras:

Multiple extra are provided

pip install aio-lambda-api[all]
  • all: Install all extras.
  • aws: Install AWS SDK (aioboto3).
  • validation: Install input validation dependencies (pydantic).
  • speedups: Input performance speedups dependencies (uvloop, orjson).