This project is intended to create an application to help people visualize joint movements during various muscle training excercises.
Please email me on for dataset with the purpose.
- S3 bucket
- NoSQL based AWS DynamoDB
- Python
- Lambda
- API gateway
- Matplotlib
- Pandas
- React Native
- Netlify
- Expo
- Javascript
- Preprocess data to help further in identifying category of excercises.
- Create Animations of all kinds of excercises.
- Create a backend service to fetch animations through API calls
- Create a database service to store the data
- Create API to get excercises data to the client end
- Create a native application to help people search the excercise and display the Blazepose.
- Preprocessed and cleaned excercise name so that more information like excercise category and instructions can be extracted.
- Using category, identified main important joint areas.
- Created GIFs with thickened bones for areas where main joint movements are involved. This would help users focus on main important movements.
- Added 360° Visualization to understand joint movement from every angle.
- Added Labels for node points in the GIFs.
- Added spine and hips intersection to help understand the movement of spine and hips movements during excercises.
- Animations being fetched form S3 bucket reducing size of client-side application and all animations fetching on demand.
- Created database on Nosql based dynamodb to store data.
- Created get API to fetch excercise data.
- Created a native application using React native, to create applications for all interfaces like Android, iOS and web
- Created client side search engine to search for excercise by users.
- Added meta info like instructions and category to help users better understand about the excercises.
- Automated deployment and CI/CD using netlify and expo.
- Scripts - Contains script to preprocess and create GIFs/animations from raw data.
- Backend - Code for database,buckets, APIs to get the data.
- Frontend - React native application for Blazepose Visualization application.
- Screenshots - All the relevant screenshots