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GCP GKE module, provision GEK cluster with underlaying infrastructure

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Terraform Google Kubernetes Engine VPC-native module

Terraform module for provisioning of GKE cluster with VPC-native nodes and support for private networking (no public IP addresses)

Private networking

Private GKE cluster creation is divided into few parts:

Private nodes

Turned on with parameter private, all GKE nodes are created without public and thus without route to internet

Cloud NAT gateway and Cloud Router

Creating GKE cluster with private nodes means they have not internet connection. Creating of NAT GW is no longer part of this module. You can use upstream Google Terraform module like this :

resource "google_compute_address" "outgoing_traffic_europe_west3" {
  name    = "nat-external-address-europe-west3"
  region  = var.region
  project = var.project

module "cloud-nat" {
  source        = "terraform-google-modules/cloud-nat/google"
  version       = "~> 1.2"
  project_id    = var.project
  region        = var.region
  create_router = true
  network       = "default"
  router        = "nat-router"
  nat_ips       = [google_compute_address.outgoing_traffic_europe_west3.self_link]

Private master

This module creates GKE master with private address in subnet specified by parameter private_master_subnet. This subnet is then routed to VPC network through VPC peering. Thus every cluster in on VPC network must have unique private_master_subnet. Turned on with parameter private_master, GKE master gets only private IP address. Setting this to true is currently not supported by our toolkit

Node pools and node counts

This module deletes default GKE node pool and create new pool named ackee-pool (name just because of fact, that we are unicorns). This approach is recommended by TF documentation, because then you can change pool parameters (like SA permissions, node count etc.).

Amount of nodes is defined by min_nodes and max_nodes parameters, which set up autoscaling on node pool. Default values are 1 for both vars, which is effectively not autoscaling, but fits our needs very well :)


module "gke" {
  source                   = "AckeeCZ/vpc/gke"

  namespace                = var.namespace
  project                  = var.project
  location                 =
  min_nodes                = 1
  max_nodes                = 2
  private                  = true
  create_nat_gw            = true
  vault_secret_path        = var.vault_secret_path
  vertical_pod_autoscaling = true
  private_master_subnet    = ""

Before you do anything in this module

Install pre-commit hooks by running following commands:

brew install pre-commit terraform-docs
pre-commit install


Simple example on howto use this module could be found at folder example. Use source to init the environment.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0


Name Version
google n/a
google-beta n/a
helm n/a
kubernetes n/a
vault n/a


No modules.


Name Type
google-beta_google_container_cluster.primary resource
google-beta_google_gke_hub_feature.anthos resource
google-beta_google_gke_hub_membership.anthos resource
google_compute_firewall.istio_pilot_webhook_allow resource
google_compute_firewall.sealed_secrets_allow resource
google_container_node_pool.ackee_pool resource
google_project_service.anthos_api resource
google_project_service.containerfilesystem_api resource
google_project_service.mesh_apis resource
helm_release.cert_manager resource
helm_release.sealed_secrets resource
helm_release.traefik resource
kubernetes_cluster_role_binding.cluster_admin_ci_sa resource
kubernetes_namespace.main resource
vault_generic_secret.default resource
google_client_config.default data source
google_compute_network.default data source
google_container_engine_versions.current data source
google_project.project data source


Name Description Type Default Required
ackee_pool_name Main pool name string "ackee-pool" no
anthos Setup infra for GKE Anthos clusters bool false no
auto_repair Allow auto repair of node pool bool true no
auto_upgrade Allow auto upgrade of node pool bool false no
cert_manager_version Version number of helm chart string "v1.6.1" no
ci_sa_email Email of Service Account used for CI deploys string "" no
cluster_admins List of users granted admin roles inside cluster list(string) [] no
cluster_ipv4_cidr_block Optional IP address range for the cluster pod IPs. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. string "" no
cluster_labels Labels to the cluster map(string) {} no
cluster_name Name of GKE cluster, if not used, var.project is used instead string "" no
disk_size_gb Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB. Defaults to 100GB. number 100 no
dns_nodelocal_cache Enable NodeLocal DNS Cache. This is disruptive operation. All cluster nodes are recreated. bool false no
enable_cert_manager Enable cert-manager helm chart bool false no
enable_sealed_secrets Create sealed secrets controller bool true no
enable_traefik Enable traefik helm chart for VPC bool false no
image_streaming Enable GKE image streaming feature. bool false no
initial_node_count Number of nodes, when cluster starts number 1 no
location Default GCP zone string "europe-west3-c" no
machine_type Default machine type to be used in GKE nodepool string "n1-standard-1" no
maintenance_window_time Time when the maintenance window begins. string "01:00" no
managed_prometheus_enable Configuration for Managed Service for Prometheus. bool false no
max_nodes Maximum number of nodes deployed in initial node pool number 1 no
min_master_version The minimum version of the master string null no
min_nodes Minimum number of nodes deployed in initial node pool number 1 no
monitoring_config_enable_components The GKE components exposing logs. SYSTEM_COMPONENTS and in beta provider, both SYSTEM_COMPONENTS and WORKLOADS are supported. list(string) null no
namespace Default namespace to be created after GKE start string "production" no
namespace_labels Default namespace labels map(string) {} no
network Name of VPC network we are deploying to string "default" no
network_policy Name of network policy enabled on cluster string null no
node_pool_location_policy Node pool load balancing location policy string "BALANCED" no
node_pools Definition of the node pools, by default uses only ackee_pool map(any) {} no
oauth_scopes Oauth scopes given to the node pools, further info at, if workload_identity_config is set, only is enabled. list(string)
private Flag stating if nodes do not obtain public IP addresses - without turning on create_nat_gw parameter, private nodes are not able to reach internet bool false no
private_master Flag to put GKE master endpoint ONLY into private subnet. Setting to false will create both public and private endpoint. Setting to true is currently not supported by Ackee toolkit bool false no
private_master_subnet Subnet for private GKE master. There will be peering routed to VPC created with this subnet. It must be unique within VPC network and must be /28 mask string "" no
project GCP project ID string n/a yes
region GCP region string "europe-west3" no
release_channel Version number of helm chart string null no
sealed_secrets_version Version of sealed secret helm chart string "v2.3.0" no
services_ipv4_cidr_block Optional IP address range of the services IPs in this cluster. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. string "" no
traefik_custom_values Traefik Helm chart custom values list
name = string
value = string
"name": "ssl.enabled",
"value": "true"
"name": "rbac.enabled",
"value": "true"
traefik_version Version number of helm chart string "1.7.2" no
upgrade_settings Upgrade settings for node pool of GKE any null no
use_workload_suggested_oauth_scopes In case you follow suggested practise, do not set to false and set scopes directly to workloads. This option is here for migration purpose. bool true no
vault_secret_path Path to secret in local vault, used mainly to save gke credentials string n/a yes
vertical_pod_autoscaling Enable Vertical Pod Autoscaling bool false no
workload_identity_config Enable workload identities bool false no


Name Description
access_token Client access token used kubeconfig
client_certificate Client certificate used kubeconfig
client_key Client key used kubeconfig
cluster_ca_certificate Client ca used kubeconfig
cluster_ipv4_cidr The IP address range of the Kubernetes pods in this cluster in CIDR notation
endpoint Cluster control plane endpoint
node_pools List of node pools associated with this cluster


GCP GKE module, provision GEK cluster with underlaying infrastructure







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