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Project Meeting 2022.09.08

Jeffrey Newman edited this page Sep 8, 2022 · 9 revisions


  • Update on all Phase 7 tasks

Task 1: General Project Management

  • A variety of non-core changes have been made to modernize the package's supporting infrastructure in PR #592
    • setuptools: ▶️ pyproject.toml
    • version numbering: bumpversion (manual script) ▶️ setuptools_scm (automatic based on git tags with intermediate values)
    • continuous integration testing: travis ▶️ github actions
    • docs: sphinx_rtd_theme ▶️ pydata_sphinx_theme

Task 2: Sharrow (1-zone)

  • PR #579
  • Code review comments in from @dhensle

Task 3: Sharrow 2 & 3 Zone Models

  • PR #599
  • Code runs. 2 zone systems work great. 3 zone systems run but need additional debugging to validate results.
  • Currently does not pass the prototype_sandag_xborder tests. Code runs without crash but results do not match the non-sharrow outputs. However, in diagnosing this problem, it was discovered that this model is unstable in prior versions. The older non-sharrow code gives different outcomes when the model is run with different numbers of processes. A new issue has been opened for this pre-existing bug.

Task 4: Sharrow Time Windows -

  • PR by Sept 13th

Task 5: School Pickup

  • PR #574
  • Under active review by @JoeJimFlood

Task 6: Disaggregate Accessibility – PR by August 31st

Task 7: Shadow Pricing

  • PR by Sept 30th
  • RSG to make preliminary review of runtime performance

Task 8: Flexible Number of Tours and Stops

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