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Are you here because someone claimed Adam Driver said a particular thing about the United States military or foreign policy? Stay tuned for a deep dive into his interviews and a compilation of both the positive and negative things he's said about the military.
Fact Check: Partially true; lacks context
Info: From The New Yorker profile of Adam Driver in 2019:
"After 9/11, he found himself filled with a desire for retribution, although he wasn’t sure against what or whom. “It wasn’t against Muslims,” he said. “It was: We were attacked. I want to fight for my country against whoever that is.” His stepfather, a Baptist minister, had given him a brochure for the Marines, which he’d thrown in the trash. But now he reconsidered."[Reference]
With a birthday of November 19, 1983, Driver was 17 years old at the time of the attacks.
He has since starred in The Report, a film highly critical of the United States Military's campaign of torture in the wars post-9/11.[Reference]
Fact Check: False
Info: The line, in which Driver's character screams that someone is a "spearchucker," is present in the film script.[Reference]
Director Spike Lee has spoken at length about how uncomfortable white actors were saying the racist lines in his film.[Reference]
Fact Check: Possibly true; lacks context
Info: Joanne Tucker is a member of the Tucker family of Bermuda through her paternal line.
She is the daughter of one Henry Tucker, and the granddaughter of Sir Henry Tucker (1903-1986), the first Government Leader of Bermuda.[Reference] The family’s history in Bermuda extends back as far as the early 1600s. At least some members of the family, including Colonel Henry Tucker of the 1700s, did own slaves.[Reference] Whether she is a direct descendent of any slave-owning members of the extended ancestral Tucker family remains unclear.
Joanne Tucker left Bermuda at four years old after her parents divorced.
She grew up with her mother, not her father, in New York and returned to Bermuda in the summers. It is unclear with which parent she returned.[Reference] She has a tattoo of Bermuda on her left shoulder.[Reference]
It is unclear whether, or to what degree, her independent wealth may or may not have come from her paternal family. She attended The Dalton School, an expensive and elite private school, while living in New York with her mother, suggesting that her maternal family may be independently wealthy.[Reference] This is unknown conclusively.
She has never made any public comments in support of her paternal extended ancestral family's alleged slave-owning practices nor its historical political activities.
Claim: Adam Driver and Joanne Tucker were married on a former-slave-plantation which her family owns
Fact Check: No Evidence
Info: Adam Driver and Joanne Tucker were married in Bermuda, where her paternal family is from, in 2013.[Reference] There are no public photos.
There is at least one leaked image, which will not be reproduced here due to its leaked nature, which shows the couple both wearing white and kissing at what appears to be a beach-side event venue, generally consistent with a resort.
The exact location of the wedding ceremony and/or reception are unconfirmed.
There is no evidence to support the claim that the couple was married on any plantation, nor at any venue that the Tucker family owns.
Fact Check: False
Info: With a birthdate of 1982 or 1983, Joanne Tucker would have attended The Dalton School during the late 1980s and/or 1990s.
Jeffrey Epstein was fired from The Dalton School in 1976.[Reference]
There is no evidence that Joanne Tucker nor Adam Driver ever met Jeffrey Epstein.
Adam Driver played 'Jeffrey Epstein In Hell' on Saturday Night Live (SNL) in 2020.[Reference]
Fact Check: True; lacks context
Info: Reddit user Missus-Misanthrope (account now deleted), a woman, wrote at length about her dislike for Adam Driver’s wife, Joanne Tucker, in late 2018. The woman had cold-approached Tucker at a bar within the American Airlines Theatre, where the couple was hosting a charity event for (USA’s) Veteran’s Day. According to the fan’s account, she asked Tucker to take the wood carving (wood burning) of their family dog and pass it along to Driver. Tucker allegedly declined to take any items on Driver’s behalf and called over the then-director of the charity to handle the situation further.
Missus-Misanthrope’s subsequent comments on Reddit included extensive name-calling directed at Tucker. The original threads’ comments are now deleted.[Reference]
When Adam Driver performed on Broadway in Spring 2019, the same woman went to The Hudson Theatre’s stage door and successfully handed him the wood burning of his family dog. The clip of the interaction, which appeared generally friendly albeit brief, circulated widely on Reddit, Tumblr, and Twitter after the woman posted the clip under at least one different username.[Reference]
Driver has spoken about, described, and been videoed/photographed with his family dog at length, including in at least three published photoshoot interviews.[Reference] [Reference] [Reference]
When a New Yorker profile of Driver was published later in the year, he is quoted as saying, “This one woman who has been harassing my wife came to the show and gave me a creepy wood carving that she made of my dog.”[Reference]
Claim: Adam Driver assaulted an actress with a chair during the filming of The Man Who Killed Don Quixote
Fact Check: False
Info: Actress Lidia Franco called this claim a mistranslation or misunderstanding of what she actually said: that he stood up very quickly and his chair "would bump into me with some force, which bothered me."[Reference]
In a subsequent interview, she stated, "It wasn't an assault, nor did I ever feel or report that that was the actor's intention. I am sorry for any misunderstanding." While she corrected the reporting error, Lidia Franco still maintained her characterization of Driver as “rude.”[Reference]