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s6rc-overlay is a collection of statically-compiled binairies and scripts aimed at easing the building of containers with complex setup.

It is heavily inspired by s6-overlay but uses skarnet's s6-rc for controlling setup and service dependencies.

The reading of s6 and s6-rc overview dans documentation is highly advised.


With Docker

You can use one of the docker images.

Or include it in your Dockerfile, like this:

ADD${S6RC_VERSION}/s6rc-overlay-v${S6RC_VERSION}-amd64.tar.bz2 /tmp/s6rc-overlay.tar.bz2
RUN tar xfa /tmp/s6rc-overlay.tar.bz2 -C / \
&&  rm /tmp/s6rc-overlay.tar.bz2
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/container-init"]

Running process

  1. When starting, s6rc-overlay entrypoint extracts its configuration variables from the environment, backup the other variables, as well as the current user and working directory, then clear all variables and gain root privileges.

  2. It removes everything in both /tmp and /run and installs its working directory in /run/s6-rc.

  3. If there is no precompiled service database, it compiles one from /etc/services.d.

  4. It tries to bring up the target service, which should depends on the actual services to start.

  5. Once all the services are started:

    1. If command line has been given, it restores the initial environment (user, working directory, variables) and executes it.

    2. Else it waits forever until some signal is received.

  6. s6rc-overlay regains the control as root, then tries to bring down the services.

  7. It sends a SIGTERM signal to all remaining processes and waits 2 seconds.

  8. Finally it returns the exit code of the commmand, or 0 if they was none.


When the starting user is not root, s6rc-overlay creates a safe environment for root: it clears all environment variables, redefines PATH and imports the configuration variables from the starting environment.

Said otherwise, root default environment does not contains that environment variables passed at launch, and the starting user does not have access to configuration variables.

All services are run in the root environment, i.e. as root with almost no variables. If they need variables from the starting environment, you can use the with-contenv helper (see below).


Service database

You can provide a precompiled service database in /etc/s6-rc/compiled or let s6rc-overlay compile it from service definitions in /etc/services.d. See the s6-rc-compile documentation about the format of service definitions.

Default services

s6rc-overlay comes with the following default services. They are defined in the /etc/services.d directory and can be configured using environment variables.

Note: in case you provided precompiled service database, these services would not be available.


Recursively removes files and directories.

The targets are defined by a colon-separated list of glob patterns in REMOVE_PATHS.

Unsets REMOVE_PATHS once done.


Recursively gives write permissions on a set of directories and files to a user. Creates directory for targets that do not exist.

The user is defined by the WRITABLE_USER and the files/directories by a colon-separated list in WRITABLE_PATHS.

Runs after remove-paths and unsets the variables once done.

Note: it uses setfacl, so this command has to been available.


A simple bundle that references writable-paths. It can be used as a synchronisation point before launching longruns. You can add other services to wait to with a single command:

echo my_other_service >> /etc/s6-rc/source/init/contents


This service is dynamically added by s6rc-overlay on compilation. It is a simple bundle that lists every services in /etc/services.d to ensure they are all started.

Helper commands


s6-notice message prog...

Prints message in green and executes into prog.


s6-logcmd prog...

Prints prog in yellow and executes it. Standard and error outputs are colored in white and red, respectively. The final status is shown as 'Success' in green if it is 0, or as 'Failed (actual value)' in red in case of failure.

All outputs are prefixed with NN> where NN is a sequential number. This helps identifying entangled outputs from parallel tasks.

with-contenv (root only)

with-contenv [ -a | [-c] [-e] [-w] [-u] ] prog...

Executes prog with all or parts of the starting environment, depending on the options.

  • -a is an alias for -cewu.

  • -c clears the environment. It is intended to be used with -e.

  • -e imports all variables from the starting environment.

  • -w changes the working directory to the starting one.

  • -u runs progs as the starting user.


He is a list of environment variables that alters s6rc-overlay behavior:

  • S6_VERBOSITY: the verbosity of various s6-rc commands. Defaults to 1.

  • S6_TARGET: the service to bring up at startup. Defaults to services. If empty or set to none, services will not be started.

  • S6_USER: if defined, execute the command as the indicated user. Take an single user name or user id. Can be used with Docker when you cannot use the --user switchs.

  • S6_INIT_TIMEOUT: the initialisation timeout (see s6-rc-init), in milliseconds. Defauts to 500ms.

  • S6_START_TIMEOUT: the service start timeout, in milliseconds. Defauts to 2 minutes.

  • S6_STOP_TIMEOUT: the service stop timeout, in milliseconds. Defauts to 5s.

  • S6_SERVICES_DIR: the path to the service definitions. Defaults to /etc/services.d.

  • S6_CONF_DIR: the path to the initial configuration of s6rc-overlay. Defaults to /etc/s6-rc.

  • S6_RUN_DIR: the path to the working directory of s6rc-overlay. Defaults to /run/s6-rc.

Security concerns

s6rc-overlay uses su-exec : it is required for privilege escalation in the container during startup, but it can also be exploited by malicious code.



s6rc-overlay scripts are released under the MIT license.