- 💼 Interned at Trustt as Software Developer Intern, worked on making PWA's for our cliental Bank.
- 💻 Teaching Assistant for Queen's Computing's Java course and Computer Architecture Course
- 👨🎓 Computer Science Student(3rd year) - Queens University,Canada-Batch of 2026
- 🧠 My interests: AI, Machine Learning, Software Development
My Local Marketplace Website project: Kingston Marketplace
My Covid Vaccine Scheduler Project : CVAT
My Health Chatbot Project : HealthU
- 💼 Working at QMIND - Queen's AI Hub as a Developer- Website Built- QMIND
- 💼 Worked in COMPSA Queens as Junior Developer-Website Built- COMPSA
Languages: C, Python, Java, Javascript, R, Bash, Linux(OS), MySQL, TypeScript, PHP, HTML, CSS
Frameworks and Libraries: Next.JS, Node.js, Flask, Django, React, Tailwind, Bootstrap, Tensorflow, Databases, MATLAB, MatPlotLib, SciKit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy, Seaborn
Developer Tools: Figma, Github, Firebase, Supabase, Git, Github WSL, Visual Studio, Jupyter, MySQL Workbench, Microsoft Office Suite, Google Office Suite