I create a workout tracker.The front end code was provided. This assignment required the creation of Mongo database with a Mongoose schema and to handle routes with Express.
Users want to be able to view, create, and track daily workouts. They can log multiple exercises in a workout on a given day. Users should also be able to track the name, type, weight, sets, reps, and duration of exercise. If the exercise is a cardio exercise, they should be able to track my distance traveled.
Ultimately we want users to be motivated by their results and using this app will allow tracking their workouts easier.
The User is able to:
Add exercises to a previous workout plan.
Add new exercises to a new workout plan.
View the combined weight of multiple exercises on the stats page.
Deployed Applicaton:https://sleepy-shelf-82559.herokuapp.com/?id=5f63a6e65b786c47547c12e9
Github Repo:https://github.com/Aecntrik17/HW17-WorkoutTracker
Screen shots
Landing Page:
Resistance Workout:
View Stats:
Aaron D. Sims
None Required