From my article:
Create a CSS-only responsive grid without using media query. It does support different shapes (Octagon, Hexagon, Rhombus, etc). It's built using inline-block
elements and float
(yes, the old float!) combined with shape-outside
. You can easily adjust the different parameters using CSS variables
Each item of the grid is a single div
(where you can put any content) and we need 2 wrapper. The HTML code looks like below:
<div class="main">
<div class="container">
For the CSS we have the following. All you have to do is to update a few CSS variables to control the grid.
.main {
--s: 100px; /* size of the shape */
--r: 1; /* ratio */
--mv: 4px; /* vertical margin */
/* clip-path parametres*/
--h: 0.25;
--v: 0.35;
/* You don't need to touch the below */
--hc: calc(clamp(0,var(--h),0.5) * var(--s)) ;
--vc: calc(clamp(0,var(--v),0.5) * var(--s) * var(--r));
--mh: calc(var(--mv) + (var(--s) - 2*var(--hc))/2); /* horizontal margin */
--f: calc(2*var(--s)*var(--r) + 4*var(--mv) - 2*var(--vc) - 2px);
.container {
font-size: 0;
.container div {
width: var(--s);
margin: var(--mv) var(--mh);
height: calc(var(--s)*var(--r));
display: inline-block; /* or inline-grid, inline-flex, etc */
clip-path: polygon(var(--hc) 0, calc(100% - var(--hc)) 0,100% var(--vc),100% calc(100% - var(--vc)), calc(100% - var(--hc)) 100%,var(--hc) 100%,0 calc(100% - var(--vc)),0 var(--vc));
margin-bottom: calc(var(--mv) - var(--vc));
.container::before {
content: "";
width: calc(var(--s)/2 + var(--mh));
float: left;
height: 135%;
shape-outside: repeating-linear-gradient( #0000 0 calc(var(--f) - 2px),#000 0 var(--f));
Find all the details in my CSS-tricks article