harmonic period bifurcation map computing and simulation
usage: run.py [-h] [-ncpus NCPUS] [-dimK DIMK] [-dimtau DIMTAU] [-N_steps N_STEPS] [-dt DT] [--progressbar]
Computes n-period for solutions generated by a model for a (dimK x dimtau) parameter space grid
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-ncpus NCPUS Number of child processes It is recommended to use at most the number of available CPU cores
-dimK DIMK K parameter dimension, corresponding to K-tau plane
-dimtau DIMTAU tau parameter dimension, corresponding to K-tau plane
-N_steps N_STEPS Number of steps performed on each simulation Consider the program runs a whole simulation for each cell of the grid
-dt DT dt
--progressbar display progressbar
Full documentation coming soon