This is a brief overview of what was learned during the internship at ITI Business Intelligence Track.
- Power BI
- Tableau
Create Databases using wizards.
Data modeling , database design and create DB diagrams.
Write various SQL queries to retrieve data and answer questions.
- Create dashboards using Power BI.
- Create measures, and create visuals to represent the data.
- Dealing with various databases such as CSV files, OLTP database and APIs.
- Transform data using Power Query.
- Advanced features of Power BI, such as DAX formulas and M language formulas.
- Publish projects on Power BI Report Server and Power BI Service.
- Creating and publishing visualizations on Tableau Public
- Working with different data sources
- Advanced features of Tableau, such as calculated fields and mapping
- Power BI [Projects video]
- One of the labs was focused on Kickstarter projects and how to work with CSV files.
- Through Power Query, I learned how to transform data and create custom columns with the M language.
- Then practiced creating a hierarchy, measures, and visuals to represent the data. Some of the visuals included a card for the number of projects, number of backers, and total pledge and goal, as well as charts for the number of projects by state and by category hierarchy.
- The second lab was about working with the AdventureWorks database.
- I learned about DirectQuery and how to create relationships between tables, measures, and DAX tables.
- The visuals included a card for the number of orders and total subtotal, tax, freight, and due, as well as charts for the number of orders by status, ship method, and territory, and a top 10 sales persons chart.
Finally, I explored working with the Facebook Graph API
learned how to extract links and hashtags, create measures, and create visuals to represent the data.
The visuals included a card for the number of posts and a chart for the number of posts by date, as well as a table displaying post details.
- I worked on TMDb Movie Dataset and created a Tableau dashboard. The dashboard is designed to provide insights , identify patterns and trends that can help make data-driven decisions.
The ITI internship was challenging, but the knowledge gained from it was put to use successfully. The skills acquired will be valuable in future projects.