Take your boardroom life online. Your MeetPro account will be a one-stop-solution for creating rooms, scheduling meetings, managing rooms, inviting members, and much more. The system consists of three types of Users (Employees)
1. Admin - Creates and configures meeting room.
2. Manager - Search and book a room for a meeting.
3. Member - View meetings in which he/she is part of.
- From the AutomatedMeetingBookingSystem folder, import or clone the project and open it in IDE (Eclipse here).
- In database folder in repository there is a file namely: DatabaseScript.txt
- Open MySQL command line and copy/paste and run each query one by one. This will create the database required to run MeetPro.
- Paste your MySQL password in line 17 of DaoUtility.java.
- Using the correct userid and email you can login in the system and run the functionalities defined according to their role.
- By logging as Admin, you have right to insert users using xml file which is kept in database folder having titled "users.xml".
- The base url of our application is "http://localhost:8080/Codefurry1/"
- The MeetPro application is ready to use.