Kerrini is a free library of university-level material. All content is generated and reviewed by the users of the library.
A short description of the motivation behind the creation and maintenance of the project. This should explain why the project exists.
You can verify that Python is installed by typing python3 from your shell; you should see something like:
Python 3.4.* (default, Nov 26 2013, 13:33:18)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
On Ubuntu, simply run:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Virtulenv is a tool that allows you sandbox your python projects. you can install packages directly in the sandbox without affecting your global environment. To install virtualenv, just run
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
once virtualenv is installed, choose a suitable directory name (for example ENV) and run
virtualenv ENV
now to use the environment that you just created simply run the command
source ENV/bin/activate
note that your shell prompt now starts with (ENV) which means that all your python commands that you run on this current shell, will be the ones installed in this virtualenv.
To deactivate the virtualenv you can simply run
pip3 install django
To verify that Django can be seen by Python, type python3 from your shell. Then at the Python prompt, try to import Django:
>>> import django
>>> print(django.get_version())
pip3 install cassandra-driver
Refer to documentation on official datastax repostitory
Simple rules to stick to really.
- Fork this repository to your github account.
- Once you're done with your work, make a pull request to me.
- Master branch should be ready for deployement at any given time. Therfore, make sure your code is tested before submitting a pull request.
Not yet decided.