Interval tree implementation in Python.
Interval trees hold intervals in tree structure so that overlaps can be observed faster.
Python 3 is supported. Python 3.5.2 is tested on Linux 4.13.0-37-generic #42~16.04.1-Ubuntu.
Python 2 is supported. Python 2.7.12 is tested on Linux 4.13.0-37-generic #42~16.04.1-Ubuntu.
Use PyPI to install this repository.
[sudo] pip install intervalt
Download this repository. Use
python install
[sudo] pip install .
to install this module.
import intervalt
# import numpy as np
from random import randrange
vals = [(randrange(0,10),randrange(11,20)) for i in range(10)]
intervals = [intervalt.Interval(i[0],i[1]) for i in vals]
nodes = [intervalt.Node(i) for i in intervals]
tree = intervalt.IntervalBSTree(nodes[0])
for node in nodes[1:]:
- Interval, Node, IntervalTree Structures to encapsulate logic
- Binary Search Tree based IntervalTree structure is default
- Support Node add operation
- Bintrees conditional dependency addition
- Node remove operation
- Python 2 support
- Create setup file
- Overlap check operation
- Adapter classes for bintrees.BinaryTree, bintrees.RBTree, bintrees.AVL
- CI with Travis
- Make classes pickleable if they are not. Check it.
- Do a pickling example
- Do a UNIX time interval tree example.
- Create Strategy pattern for each tree backend
- Create StrategyFactory pattern for creating IntervalTrees
- Implement AVL
- Implement RB Tree
- Write further testing
- Set verbosity levels
- Backend options like keras.
- Try coverall instead of
- @property decorator is not the same as Python 3 version syntactically. This can be solved via deriving classes from object. [DONE]
- Bintrees conditional dependency needs to check if bintrees is installed or not. Checking method differs in different versions. [DONE]
Ran 20 tests in 0.001s
If is installed
coverage run
coverage report --omit=/usr/*
gives coverage results.
Current coverage on Intervalt is %80.
Documentation can be reached at docs/build/html/index.html.