I'm a professional developer focused on interactive web experiences and design. Formed in web development and audiovisual design (2 degrees), the main part of my role is to create websites where visuals and interactive experience are important.
🌟 The skill that sets me apart: probably the visual rhythm, the pacing of web experiences.
🍄 Web design enhancement: through 3D organic experiences with Three.js and smooth 2D movements with GSAP.
🐾 Right now: focused in web development with React in a MERN stack. My strength besides in JavaScript, and CSS preprocessors like Sass
👀 Interested in: VR / AR (virtual and augmented reality) applied in conjunction with artificial intelligence for the future of website experiencies.
•Applied everyday: #javaScript ECMAS6 #css #html #sass #gsap #git #npm
•Applied frequently: #react #figma #cms #headlesscms #three.js #sanity
•Applied sometimes: #node.js #mongodb #firebase