Lux Renderer is a rendering system capable of rendering high quality, life-like images. Everything was written from scratch in pure C++ without any third party library. Lux Renderer cover most of the content in pbrt v3 and also easier to read.
Unidrectional Path Tracing with NEE and MIS.
Render models with 10M+ triangles using vertex compression and Texture DownScale
Normal mapping and convert bump map to normal map.
Alpha Texture.
Enviroment Mapping.
SSE Ray-Box Intersection (optional).
Area Lighting, Point Lighting And Directional Lighting.
Various kinds of Glass.
Microfacet model.
ThinDielectric, ThinSheet, ClearCoat.
Volumetric Path Tracing.
God Ray.
SubSurface Scattering.
Diffuse Velvet and Ashikhmin Velvet.
Simple Portal.
Adaptive Sampling.
Openmp parallel.
And Many More...