fun main() {
val technologies = listOf("Kotlin", "Java", "Python", "Swift", "and more")
println("I'm a DAM student with a passion for programming.")
println("Currently exploring various technological fields and improving my skills in:${technologies.joinToString(", ")}")
struct Project {
let title: String
let description: String
let projects = [
title: "Kotlin TFG",
description: "This project is a mobile application for a furniture store, developed using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose.
The application integrates with Firebase and Retrofit and follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architectural pattern."
title: "Kotlin Applications",
description: "Crafting mobile applications using different type of technologies like sqlite,json,retrofit... and
clean architecture (MVVM)."
title: "Webs using HTML,Java BS5 and SQL",
description: "This project is a dynamic web application that interacts directly with SQL databases.
It is developed using Java with JPA, JSP, NetBeans, Bootstrap, and JavaScript (AJAX).
The application is designed to provide a responsive and interactive user experience
for managing data stored in a SQL database."
title: "Creating databases with Oracle SQLdev",
description: "I have experience in designing and maintaining databases using Oracle SQLdev."
title: "Crafting webpages with AstroJS",
description: "I use frameworks like Tailwind, Bootstrap 5, and currently learning Astro and AstroDB."
print("🚀 My Projects:")
for project in projects {
print("- \(project.title): \(project.description)")
- Deepen my knowledge of Python: I am currently working on improving my skills in Python.
- Learning Swift: Learning SwiftUI, Firebase with Swift, Api calls...
- Teamwork and organization: I thrive on teamwork and organization. I love contributing to projects involving database access and the development of web and mobile applications.