Licensed under GPLv3 (see LICENSE file)
Works on ROS Kinetic.
ROS simulation for the robot Niryo One. This work simulates the Niryo One robot in Gazebo and Rviz, and also shows different ways to control it.
##1. Install from source
Get the code:
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
Build the packages:
cd ~/catkin_ws
Don't forget to use those commands before you try to launch anything or terminal(you can add them in your .bashrc) :
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
To simply display the robot and get to move each joint separately, run:
roslaunch niryo_one_description display.launch
roslaunch niryo_one_description display2.launch
In another terminal, configure your Joystick you can do it bye using the following guide:
Then, in another terminal, run:
rosrun niryo_one_description joystick_ikine
Developed and tested on ROS Kinetic/Gazebo 9.
- Constant motion The robot will have an initial position and from this it will move constantly. First start Gazebo (empty world) and Niryo One model:
roslaunch niryo_one_gazebo niryo_one_world.launch
Then, start the controllers (ros_control):
roslaunch niryo_one_gazebo niryo_one_control.launch
Finally, in a new terminal:
rosrun niryo_one_gazebo
- Pick and place
The robot will move to the location of the object and then move the container:
First start Gazebo (empty world) and Niryo One model:
roslaunch niryo_one_gazebo niryo_one_world.launch
Then, start the controllers (ros_control):
roslaunch niryo_one_gazebo niryo_one_control.launch
Finally, in a new terminal:
rosrun niryo_one_gazebo