Company: Strong Team
Dramatic is an online-service, that lets users to search movies.
The specification and some UI design example in Figma were originally given.
And my task was to develop this service within only 5 days using Vue.js framework.
Here are additional technologies that I applied in this project:
- BEM methodology
- Less preprocessor
- Fetch queries to The Movie Database using its API
- VueX storage
Within 5 days, I managed to implement the following features according to the specification:
- search movies using search line
- view details of the movie on its card
- view movie trailer
Further I want to implement the remaining features.
Fork this project and use the following commands
- to setup project
npm install
- to compile and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
- to compile and minify for production
npm run build
- to lint and fix files
npm run lint
Configuration Reference allows you to customize the Vue CLI configuration.