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Code to replicate main results of "A Deep Learning Virtual Instrument for Monitoring Extreme UV Solar Spectral Irradiance" paper.

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This is the repository containing code to reproduce the main results from the paper "A Deep Learning Virtual Instrument for Monitoring Extreme UV Solar Spectral Irradiance". The code included here allows to train the best performing linear+CNN model presented in the paper to map AIA data to 15 channels of EVE MEGS-A spectra, as well as to deploy this model to perform inference on new AIA data.

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Setup the data

We now have a CSV file that puts in correspondence AIA images for a given time step, to 14 channels of EVE MEGS-A spectra for that same time step. We now have to take care of the integrated EVE MEGS-A irradiance which will be the 15th channel. This integrated irradiance is contained in the '201x_eve_megsA_mean_irradiance.csv' and '201x_eve_megsA_mean_irradiance.npy' files. We need to join it to the rest of the channels.

  • In canonical_data, run "python --totirr_root clean_data_folder/ --target experimental_data_folder/". This script will join the total irradiance arrays for the different years and write it to your experimental data folder.
  • Run "python --data_root experimental_data_folder/". You should now have have the files 'irradiance_30mn_14ptot.npy' and 'irradiance_30mn_14ptot.csv' in the experimental data folder. These put in correspondence AIA images for a given time step, with 14 channels of EVE MEGS-A spectra + the channel for integrated MEGS-A irradiance.
  • In canonical_data/, run "python --src experimental_data_folder/irradiance_30mn_14ptot.csv --splits rve" to split the csv file into train test and validation csvs.
  • In canonical_data/, run "python --base experimental_data_folder/ --irradiance experimental_data_folder/irradiance_30mn_14ptot.npy". This script computes normalization quantities on the training set. It should generate npy files for means and stds of AIA and EVE in your experimental data folder.

Train and test the model

We first need to fit a linear model to output the 15 channels of EVE from the means and stds of the AIA images, with a Huber loss. We can then train a CNN to predict the residuals between EVE and the linear model's predictions of EVE.

  • In canonical_code/ run "python setup_residual_totirr --base experimental_data_folder/". This will fit a linear model using means and stds of AIA images and a Huber loss, then save the means and stds as well as the model.
  • In canonical_code/, run "python --src path_to_config_files/ --data_root experimental_data_folder/ --target path_to_train_results_folder/". This will read the configuration JSON file, create the specified model using the specified parameters, and train it. It will save train and val losses as well as best performing model into the --target folder.
  • To test the model, run "python --src path_to_config_files/ --models path_to_train_results_folder/ --data_root experimental_data_folder/ --target path_to_test_results_folder/ --eve_root clean_data_folder/EVE/np/ --phase test". This will generate a text file with errors on the test set (or on whichever --phase you specified).

Use the model for inference

If you want to deploy the model and run inference on new AIA data, you need to do the following.

  • Create a data directoy for the year you want to run on, e.g. "data_folder/2015/".
  • In canonical_data/, run "python --base path_to_clean_data/ --data path_to_year_folder/".
  • In canonical_data/, run "python make_csv_inference.csv --data_root year_data_folder/ --target year_data_folder/ --year year_you're_running_on". This will create an index.csv file for that year.
  • From the path_to_experimental_data/ you had for the training, you'll need to copy all the normalisation quantities, as well as the linear model. You can do this with "cp path_to_experimental_data/*.np* path_to_year_folder/"
  • In canonical_code/, run python --src path_to_config_files/ --models path_to_train_results_folder/ --data_root path_to_year_folder/ --target path_to_inference_results_folder/". This will generate a numpy array containing the 15 channels of EVE for each AIA time step in index.csv


Code to replicate main results of "A Deep Learning Virtual Instrument for Monitoring Extreme UV Solar Spectral Irradiance" paper.






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