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jQuery ajaxreadystate plugin


The jQuery AJAX implementation is somewhat limited in that it does not provide a way of responding to the readystatechange events that fire during the AJAX request. The jQuery.ajax API documentation actually states the following.

No onreadystatechange mechanism is provided, however, since done, fail, always, and statusCode cover all conceivable requirements.

While this statement is true for most use cases, what if you want to access the response headers or status code before the entire request completes, or access the response body as it streams?

Evidently jQuery does not provide this functionality due to browser compatibility issues, so this plugin adds this extra functionality for browsers that support these features (see compatibility notes below).

This plugin works by adding a new method jQuery.ajaxreadystate method, which acts as a wrapper for jQuery.ajax, extending the functionality and updating the jqXHR object to remove the limitations and update properties as the readyState changes.


You use jQuery.ajaxreadystate just like you would jQuery.ajax, except you have one extra method you can define, the readystate method.

	readystate: function(jqXHR, readyState) {

This method will fire every time the request fires a readystatechange event, and will pass in the updated jqXHR object, and the current readyState.


You can download the latest stable and minified release from the releases section of this repository. Alternately you can clone the repository download from a package managers.

Browser Compatibility

###Fully Supported

The following browsers are fully supported.

  • Firefox 3+
  • Chrome 14+
  • Internet Explorer 10+
  • Safari 5+
  • iOS Safari 4+
  • Opera 15+

###Partially Supported

The following browsers are partially supported due to technical limitations of the browser itself. Compatibility issues are noted.

  • Internet Explorer 9
    • responseText is not available until readyState is 4.
    • Only fires one readystatechange event for readyState 3 at some point during the transfer.
  • Internet Explorer 7-8
    • responseText is not available until readyState is 4.
    • status and statusText are not updated until readyState is 4.
    • getAllResponseHeaders and getResponseHeader return null until readyState is 4.
  • Internet Explorer 6
    • The readystate callback is only fired for readyState 1.
    • responseText is not available until readyState is 4.
    • status and statusText are not updated until readyState is 4.
    • getAllResponseHeaders and getResponseHeader return null until readyState is 4.
  • Safari 4
    • getAllResponseHeaders and getResponseHeader return null until readyState is 3.
  • iOS Safari 3
    • getAllResponseHeaders and getResponseHeader return null until readyState is 3.
  • Opera 11.6-12.16
    • Only fires one readystatechange event for readyState 3 at some point during the transfer.
  • Opera 11.1-11.5
    • status and statusText are not updated until readyState is 3.
    • Only fires one readystatechange event for readyState 3 at some point during the transfer.
  • Opera 10.6
    • status and statusText are not updated until readyState is 3.
    • Only fires one readystatechange event for readyState 3 at some point during the transfer.
    • getAllResponseHeaders and getResponseHeader return null until readyState is 4.

Older browsers than those listed were not tested, but may be partially or fully supported.

jQuery Compatibility

This plugin is compatible with jQuery 1.5+ and jQuery 2.0.0+.


To create a minified build, run this commend from the root directory of this repository.

$ npm run build


If you find a bug or have compatibility issues not documented above, please open a ticket under issues section for this repository.



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