This tool provides summary of all textures in Unity project.
It makes an analysis of non-atlas textures to give some recommendations upon their compression settings: e.g. detect issues like
- Only POT textures can be compressed to PVRTC format
- Only textures with width/height being multiple of 4 can be compressed to Crunch format
It also helps to analyze all your atlases at once and highlights issues if their textures used in Resources and/or Addressables (which may lead to duplicated textures in build).
All code combined into one script for easier portability. So you can just copy-paste TextureHunter.cs to your project in any Editor folder.
Use "Tools/Texture Hunter" menu to launch it.
- Just copy and paste file TextureHunter.cs inside Editor folder
- [WIP] via Unity's Package Manager
Feel free to report bugs, request new features or to contribute to this project!
To find unreferenced assets in Unity project see Dependencies-Hunter.
To find missing or empty references in your assets see Missing-References-Hunter.