Python ambilight for the Xiaomi Yeelight Jiaoyue 650 ceiling light
NOTE: Sadly, the limit of 60 requests/minute cannot be removed on the ceiling lights.
Clone and install dependencies
git clone
cd yeelight_ambilight_python
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Modify the following parameters:
DO_MAIN = True # Use the main light
DO_MAIN_MOON = True # Use the main light as moon (DO_MAIN should be true)
DO_AMBIENT = True # Use ambient light
DELAY = 0.05 # Additional delay because the 650 cannot use the music mode
MAX_MAIN_LUMINOSITY = 15 # Maximal "main" luminosity (DO_MAIN on and DO_MAIN_MOON off)
LUMINOSITY_THRESHOLD = 1 # Update the main light if the luminosity changes of at least this
TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD = 100 # Update the main light if the temperature changes of at least this
COLOR_THRESHOLD = 25 # Update the ambient light if the temperature changes of at least this
LIGHT_IP = "" # The light IP, this creates 3 connections to allow higher rate.
- Grab the screen image
- Take a screenshot (ImageGrab.grab)
- Cut the screenshot to fit the film size (image.getbbox)
- Extract the dominant color
- Resize the image to a small 100x100 size (nearest neightbour to keep the correct colors)
- Convert the image to a 32 color image with adaptative palette
- Get the most used color from these 32 colors subset in the generated palette
- Compute the luminosity by using the black and white image resized to 1x1 using bicubic to get a mean color
- Compute the temperature (using RGB to XYZ to xy to CCT)
- Yeelight-python: Yeelight communication
- numpy: To use colour-science
- colour-science: To convert RGB to Temperature