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Mike Hatfield edited this page Mar 11, 2016 · 3 revisions


Configuration is based on 3 distinct components:

  • Configuration file(s)
  • In-App Configuration Service
  • In-App Configurable User Interface and Behaviour

Since Alfresco Android 1.5 the mobile application has configurable block. A block can be anything : a view, an action, a theme, an url… The main particularity of each block is it can be modified/customized without requiring any code development.

Configuration is retrieved by the mobile application via its Configuration Service. The service will typically retrieve the configuration from the server the app is currently attached to, however, it is also capable of accepting configuration from other sources, for example, a client application may provide user configuration options allow individual users to customise their app. This service is also responsible for localization.

The configuration file is responsible for storing configuration information. This file is created by a developer/administrator/integrator and must respect JSON formatting and conventions defined by the next section. Optionally it’s possible to associate a localization file with the configuration file.


The configuration file will be stored at the following location in the repository:

/Company Home/Data Dictionary/Mobile/configuration.json


Optionally it’s possible to create a "Messages" folder at the following location in the repository:

/Company Home/Data Dictionary/Mobile/Messages

It holds all the localised strings referenced in the config file. The messages folder contains a set of files that follow the Java resource bundle naming convention. English localization must be defined inside the file named

Other localizations file name must respect the following pattern: strings_<locale_code>.properties

where locale_code can be replaced by

  • fr : French
  • it : Italian
  • es : Spanish
  • de : German
  • ja : Japanese or any other local code


profile.default.summary=Default profile Properties

profile.default.summary=Profile par d\u00e9faut par d\u00e9faut

Configuration blocks

Currently the JSON Configuration file supports 5 Configurable blocks

  • Repository
  • Profiles
  • Features
  • View Groups
  • Views

Another top level block is available for versioning purpose called "Info"


   "info": {},
   "repository": {},
   "features": [],
   "profiles": {},
   "view-groups": [],
   "views": {}


The purpose of this block is to assure backwards compatibility and configuration evolution/versioning.

Info is mandatory

"info": {
   "schema-version": 0.2


  • Alfresco Android 1.5 supports only schema-version = 0.1
  • Alfresco Android 1.6+ supports schema-version = 0.1 & 0.2


It contains configuration information about the repository.

   "share-url": "https://hostname:port/share"


It contains configuration information about features which can be activated or deactivated on mobile side.

A feature must have an unique id and a type. Types are predefined by the mobile application and can optionally allows extra parameters.

      "id": "<feature-id>",
      "type": "<feature-type>",
      "enable": true|false

Feature Types

Enable or disable Analytics.


Alfresco Mobile applications are based on multiple View Template. Each of them are customizable and can be reused across the application in different ways. Views can also contains other views. This type of views is called View-groups.

To avoid configuration duplication across the configuration file View configuration block is responsible to store all view configuration in one place. The purpose is to create a dictionary of views configuration that can be reused by other configurable blocks.

A view must have an unique id and a type.

Types are predefined by the mobile application and can optionally allows extra parameters. Optionally a label-id and description-id can be attached. Label-id is used to display a title.

"views" : {
      "label-id": "<label-id>",
      "description-id": "<description-id>",
      "type": "<view-type>",
         "<param-name>": "<param-value>"

View Groups

Views can also contains other views or groups of views. This type of views is called View-groups.

View Groups can be

  • referenced by their view id
  • referenced by their view group id
  • defined inline

This mechanism avoids configuration duplication.

  "view-groups": [
      "id": "<view-group-id>",
      "label-id": "<label-id>",
      "description-id": "<description-id>",
      "items": [
          "item-type": "view-id",
          "view-id": "<view-id>"
          "item-type": "view-group-id",
          "view-group-id": "<view-group-id>"
          "item-type": "view",
          "view": {
            "label-id": "<label-id>",
            "description-id": "<description-id>",
            "type": "<view-type>",
            "form-id": "<form-id>",
            "params": {
              "<param-name>": "<param-value>"

View Types


Displays user’s activities.
param-name Description Type Mandatory
userName Displays activities stream for a specific user String No
siteShortName Displays activities stream for a specific site. String No


Displays a list of sites.
Displays all sites by default (with no parameters)
param-name Description Type Mandatory
show values available : favorites|my|all String No


Displays a folder from the repository.
Displays Company Home folder by default (with no parameters)
param-name Description Type Mandatory
path Displays a folder defined by its absolute path String No (exclusive)
nodeRef Displays a folder retrieved by its nodeRef String No (exclusive)
siteShortName Displays the document library folder associated to the specified site String No (exclusive)
folderTypeId Displays the system folder shared|userhome String No (exclusive)
Displays a list of nodes based on a query.
By default it display a list of Files
param-name Description Type Mandatory
keywords keywords to search String Yes(exclusive)
isExact Exact search. Requires : keywords String No
fullText Fulltext search. Requires : keywords String No
searchFolderOnly Display a list of folders. Requires : keywords String No
statement CMIS query String Yes (exclusive)
Displays the details of a repository node.
param-name Description Type Mandatory
path Absolute path to the specified folder or document String Yes (exclusive)
nodeRef NodeRef associated to a folder or document String Yes (exclusive)


Displays list of favorite files and folders
param-name Description Type Mandatory
filters Enable a filter object Object No
filters/mode Values : all|folders|files String No

Tasks & Workflow

Displays tasks.
Display My tasks by default.
param-name Description Type Mandatory
filters Enable a filter object Object No
filters/status Values : any|active|complete String No
filters/due Values : today|tomorrow|week|overdue|none String No
filters/priority Values : low|medium|high String No
filters/assignee Values : me|unassigned|all|none String No
  "item-type": "view",
  "view": {
    "id": "view-task-filter",
    "label-id": "Tasks with Filter",
    "type": "org.alfresco.client.view.tasks",
    "params": {
      "filters": {
        "status": "any|active|complete",
        "due": " today|tomorrow|week|overdue|none",
        "priority": "low|medium|high",
        "assignee": "me|unassigned|all|none"


Displays a list of users.
param-name Description Type Mandatory
keywords Displays a search view for users with the matching keywords.
On OnPremise the keywords can be a query like "User jobtitle:admin"
String Yes (exclusive)
siteShortName Displays list of members for a specific site. String Yes (exclusive)
Displays person profile details.
By Default(no parameters) Displays user profile
param-name Description Type Mandatory
userName Displays the profile for the specified username. String No

Local Files

Displays a list of most important local folder available inside the device
Displays files local to the client.
Displays application download folder by default (with no parameters)
param-name Description Type Mandatory
path Absolute path to the specified folder. String No

Displays a search view.
Displays an advanced search view.
param-name Description Type Mandatory
type values available : person|document|folder String Yes


Displays list of synced content


A profile is responsible to bind different configuration into a single unique group. With this approach it would be possible to create different configuration for different use case and for different users.

A configuration file MUST HAVE at least ONE profile.

      "default": true,
      "label-id": "<label-id>",
      "description-id": "<description-id>",
      "root-view-id": "<view-id> or <view-group-id>"