Fast tool for mapping-free gene separation of reads, using Bloom filter.
Shark requires a C++11-compliant compiler and the sdsl-lite v2.1.1
For convenience, sdsl-lite
is included in the repository.
To install the tool, run the following steps.
First, clone the repository and move into it.
git clone --recursive
cd shark
# If sdsl-lite is not installed run the following commands
# cd sdsl-lite
# ./ ..
# cd ..
Usage: shark -r <references> -1 <sample1> [OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS]
-r, --reference reference sequences in FASTA format (can be gzipped)
-1, --sample1 sample in FASTQ (can be gzipped)
Optional arguments:
-h, --help display this help and exit
-2, --sample2 second sample in FASTQ (optional, can be gzipped)
-o, --out1 first output sample in FASTQ (default: sharked_sample.1)
-p, --out2 second output sample in FASTQ (default: sharked_sample.2)
-k, --kmer-size size of the kmers to index (default:17, max:31)
-c, --confidence confidence for associating a read to a gene (default:0.6)
-b, --bf-size bloom filter size in GB (default:1)
-q, --min-base-quality minimum base quality (assume FASTQ Illumina 1.8+ Phred scale, default:0, i.e., no filtering)
-s, --single report an association only if a single gene is found
-t, --threads number of threads (default:1)
-v, --verbose verbose mode
outputs to stdout
a ssv file reporting associations between reads and genes.
The first element of each line is the name of the read whereas the second element is the gene identifier.
Reads in the samples that pass the filter step are stored in the files passed as argument to -o
and -p
A small example is provided in the example directory.
is the gene sequence of gene ENSG00000277117 in FASTA formatsample_1.fq
are a paired-end RNA-Seq sample simulated from genes ENSG00000277117 and ENSG00000275464
To filter out the reads sequenced from gene ENSG00000277117, run shark
as follows:
./shark -r example/ENSG00000277117.fa -1 example/sample_1.fq \
-2 example/sample_2.fq \
-o example/sharked.sample_1.fq \
-p example/sharked.sample_2.fq > example/ENSG00000277117.ssv
The results should be equal to: example/ENSG00000277117.truth.ssv
, example/sharked.sample_1.truth.fq
, and example/sharked.sample_2.truth.fq
L. Denti, Y. Pirola, M. Previtali, T. Ceccato, G. Della Vedova, R. Rizzi, P. Bonizzoni,
“Shark: fishing relevant reads in an RNA-Seq sample,”
Bioinformatics, Sep. 2020, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa779.