This is my configuration for bspwm using polybar as bar and for widgets eww (only vpn widget for now).
Make sure you have this packages installed in your system:
- CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font
- bspwm
- sxhkd
- kitty
- eww
- rofi
- fish
- dunst
- feh
- picom (jonaburg's fork for animations)
- exa
- bat (I didn't remember if for debian based is named 'batcat' check it :3)
- playerctl
Simply copy files to the appropiate folders.
- Clone dotfiles:
git clone
cd nightbspwm
- Create folders if not exists:
mkdir -p ~/.config ~/.local/bin
- Copy configurations
cp -r <pathtonightbspwm>/config/* ~/.config
cp -r <pathtonightbspwm>/bin/* ~/.local/bin
cp -r <pathtonightbspwm>/home/* ~
- Enjoy!