I'm an outgoing full stack software developer who has a passion for problem solving. I have experience building web applications working with various tools such as Python, Javascript, React, Flask to name a few.
Hi there! I'm a creative fullstack software engineer who enjoys challenging problems, building apps, hiking , and trying out new places to eat!
Website and Portfolio: https://ammonsoon.github.io/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-monson-144151222/
AngelList: https://angel.co/u/alex-monson
Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Zs0HgV-J27YWLwQcPfNdZXiDvOmTOz-/view
- App OverLoad is a group project that mirrors the functionality used on the widely used site StackOverflow
- Built with JavaScript, Express, Pug, PostgreSQL, Heroku, Node.js, Sequelize
- Other contributors: Moiz Ahmad and Jordan Bohmbach
- Live application: https://app-overload.herokuapp.com/
- Repository: https://github.com/AmMonsoon/app-overload
- InstaSplash is a photo-sharing application combining the best features of both Instagram and Unsplash
- Built with JavaScript, Python, React, Redux, CSS, PostgreSQL, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Docker, and Heroku
- Other contributors: Jacob Weller, Colton Powers, and Daniel Pence
- Live application: https://instasplash-live.herokuapp.com/login
- Repository: https://github.com/AmMonsoon/InstaSplash
- PetFriendly is a site where users can look for locations to bring their furry companions along, post a property, and leave reviews
- Built with JavaScript, Python, React, Redux, CSS, Flask, WTForms, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, Heroku, and Docker
- Live application: https://petfriendlyy.herokuapp.com/
- Repository: https://github.com/AmMonsoon/petFriendly