Hello! I'm Kaushik, a fourth-year CS student from India, who wants to research, understand the first principles and solve fundamental problems using tech that can potentially make huge impacts in the world. I usually work on Data Analysis, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Web Development
While I have been in GitHub for quite a long time, I rather have been inactive. I am currently looking to build more projects, develop skill sets and soon venture into the open-source world!
Currently, I am learning: Strengthening the Fundamentals of Machine Learning, Deep Learning , DSA & Web Dev (ReactJS)
- Portfolio: Under Works!
- Mail: Gmail
- Resume: Kaushik_CV
- Linkedin: kaushik_srivatsan
- Behance: kaushiksrivats
- Dribbble: amazing
- Instagram: sk_trying_design
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level. And yeah, my stats are quite beginner level, so for those who are reading this - Come back to check its gradual rise over time :)