const myProfile = () => { return `${
const aboutAmbroseIsigba = {
name: Ambrose Isigba
profession: software developer.
Nationality: 'Delta, Nigeria',
Residence: 'Veneto, Italy',
I’mCurrentlyWorkingOn 🔭: ['TodoListApp', 'UnitTesting', 'API']
I’mCurrentlyLearning 🌱: ['JavaScript', 'Bootstrap', 'React'],
I’mLookingToCollaborateOn 👯: 'Any open source code on github',
I’m looking for help with 🤔: 'React Js',
AskMeAbout 💬: 'Promises on Js',
HowToReachMe 📫: ''+393881791630,+393512462798:,
Linkedin : ''
Pronouns 😄: ['He', 'him'],
Fun fact ⚡:'mention six animals that live in water:['Frog', 'Frog's father', Frog's mother, 'Frog's brother', 'Frog's sister', 'and his cousine'],
quote: 'Any clean code without debuging, is like is a beautiful flower without a good root which fades away in due season',
isHeWorking: false,
hasDegree: true,
highestEducationalProfile: 'HND in Environmental Health Technology',
isHeReadyForNewOppurtunties: true