This program was originally created for a Course which gave this prompt:
The API will deliver a data structure representing a random draw from a deck of fifty-two standard playing cards. The structure will contain the numerical value of the card, the face value, the suit and a representation of the image of the card. The application will simulate a card game of your choice. Since the API will not 'remember' what card it dealt last, your application must keep track of what cards have been dealt. If it receives a card that has already been dealt, it must request a new card.
After talking with my Professor, I altered the project to shuffle a deck of Tarot cards and deal 13 of the 78 cards into a layout like the one seen below:
|11| |12| |13|
|4| |10|
|6| |3| |1| |2| |7| |9|
|5| |8|
It was fairly straightforward and didn't even begin to delve into the intricacies of what the program could be. Each position represents a meaning, and each card has an individual meaning.
- This card represents the inquirer.
- This card represenets the helpful forces around the inquirer.
- This card represenets the opposing forces around the inquirer.
- This card represenets the present happenings/frame of mind.
- This card represenets the subconcious feelings of the inquirer.
- This card represenets the past influences on the question.
- This card represenets the possible immediate future.
- This card represenets the fears and attitudes of the inquirer.
- This card represenets the influences and opinions of family and friends.
- This card represenets the results of actions and thoughts.
- This card represenets the final outcome at this time.
- This card represenets extra clarification for card 11.
- This card represenets extra clarification for card 11.
Recently I've tried implementing the meanings of the cards and have since completely destroyed the program and I had to comment out most of the additions I implemented.
Things that need to be implemented:
- I would like to shift the program to be object oriented around the cards.
- The card positions need to be implemented.
- Card images need to be added(difficult to find free use tarot cards)
- A position method needs to call the card objects to a predetermined layout similar to the one above.
- The 13 cards need to be randomly generated using the numbers 1-78 while also calling the matching 13 card meaning .txt files to be displayed.
- More ideas to come.