CS4542 - Compiler Design : project to build a c- type compiler
- Identifier: Any sequence of characters which may contain alphabets, digits from 0 to 9 or an underscore. The sequence must start with an alphabet or an underscore.
- Integer: A sequence of characters which may contain any combination of digits from 0 to 9.
- White Space: Any sequence of characters containing any combination of single space, form feed, horizontal tab and vertical tab.
- Char: A sequence of three characters which contains a single character between two single quotes. The single character between the two quotes can be any character except a single quote itself. For example, ‘’’ is an invalid character.
- String: A sequence of characters which contains any number of characters between two double quotes. The character sequence between the two double quotes can be any character except a double quote itself. For example, “Hello”how” is an invalid string.
- Comment: Type 1: a sequence of characters which starts with # and ends with a newline. Type2: begins with ‘{‘, continues with any character (including end-of- line), and ends with ‘}’.
No. | Token | Description |
1 | \n | Newline |
2 | program | Start of Program |
3 | var | Variable |
4 | const | Constant |
5 | type | To define a data type |
6 | function | To define a function |
7 | return | return from function |
8 | begin | start of a block |
9 | end | end of a block |
10 | :=: | swap |
11 | := | assignment operator |
12 | output | output an expression or string |
13 | if | keyword |
14 | then | keyword |
15 | else | keyword |
16 | while | keyword for loop |
17 | do | keyword for loop |
18 | case | keyword |
19 | of | keyword |
20 | .. | dots for case expression |
21 | otherwise | keyword |
22 | repeat | keyword for repeat-until loop |
23 | for | keyword for loop |
24 | until | keyword for repeat-until loop |
25 | loop | keyword for loop-pool loop |
26 | pool | keyword for loop-pool loop |
27 | exit | keyword |
28 | <= | less than equal to binary operator |
29 | <> | not equal to binary operator |
30 | < | less than binary operator |
31 | >= | greater than equal to binary operator |
32 | > | greater than binary operator |
33 | = | equal to binary operator |
34 | mod | modulus binary operator |
35 | and | and binary operator |
36 | or | or binary operator |
37 | not | not unary operator |
38 | read | read an identifier |
39 | succ | successor of an ordinal value |
40 | pred | predecessor of a ordinal value |
41 | chr | keyword for character function |
42 | ord | keyword for ordinal function |
43 | eof | keyword for end of file |
44 | { | begin of a block |
45 | : | colon |
46 | ; | semi colon |
47 | . | single dot |
48 | , | comma |
49 | ( | opening bracket |
50 | ) | closing bracket |
51 | + | plus |
52 | - | minus |
53 | * | multiply |
54 | / | divide |
Winzig -> 'program' Name ':' Consts Types Dclns SubProgs Body Name '.' => "program"; Consts -> 'const' Const list ',' ';' => "consts" -> => "consts"; Const -> Name '=' ConstValue => "const"; ConstValue -> 'ᐸintegerᐳ' -> 'ᐸcharᐳ' -> Name; Types -> 'type' (Type ';')+ => "types" -> => "types"; Type -> Name '=' LitList => "type"; LitList -> '(' Name list ',' ')' => "lit"; SubProgs -> Fcn* => "subprogs"; Fcn -> 'function' Name '(' Params ')' ':' Name ';' Consts Types Dclns Body Name ';' => "fcn"; Params -> Dcln list ';' => "params"; Dclns -> 'var' (Dcln ';')+ => "dclns" -> => "dclns"; Dcln -> Name list ',' ':' Name => "var"; Body -> 'begin' Statement list ';' 'end' => "block"; Statement -> Assignment -> 'output' '(' OutExp list ',' ')' => "output" -> 'if' Expression 'then' Statement ('else' Statement)? => "if" -> 'while' Expression 'do' Statement => "while" -> 'repeat' Statement list ';' 'until' Expression => "repeat" -> 'for' '(' ForStat ';' ForExp ';' ForStat ')' Statement => "for" -> 'loop' Statement list ';' 'pool' => "loop" -> 'case' Expression 'of' Caseclauses OtherwiseClause 'end' => "case" -> 'read' '(' Name list ',' ')' => "read" -> 'exit' => "exit" -> 'return' Expression => "return" -> Body -> => "ᐸnullᐳ"; OutExp -> Expression => "integer" -> StringNode => "string"; StringNode -> 'ᐸstringᐳ'; Caseclauses-> (Caseclause ';')+; Caseclause -> CaseExpression list ',' ':' Statement => "case_clause"; CaseExpression -> ConstValue -> ConstValue '..' ConstValue => ".."; OtherwiseClause -> 'otherwise' Statement => "otherwise" -> ; Assignment -> Name ':=' Expression => "assign" -> Name ':=:' Name => "swap"; ForStat -> Assignment -> => "ᐸnullᐳ"; ForExp -> Expression -> => "true"; Expression -> Term -> Term '<=' Term => "<=" -> Term '<' Term => "<" -> Term '>=' Term => ">=" -> Term '>' Term => ">" -> Term '=' Term => "=" -> Term '<>' Term => "<>"; Term -> Factor -> Term '+' Factor => "+" -> Term '-' Factor => "-" -> Term 'or' Factor => "or"; Factor -> Factor '*' Primary => "*" -> Factor '/' Primary => "/" -> Factor 'and' Primary => "and" -> Factor 'mod' Primary => "mod" -> Primary; Primary -> '-' Primary => "-" -> '+' Primary -> 'not' Primary => "not" -> 'eof' -> Name -> 'ᐸintegerᐳ' -> 'ᐸcharᐳ' -> Name '(' Expression list ',' ')' => "call" -> '(' Expression ')' -> 'succ' '(' Expression ')' => "succ" -> 'pred' '(' Expression ')' => "pred" -> 'chr' '(' Expression ')' => "chr" -> 'ord' '(' Expression ')' => "ord"; Name -> 'ᐸidentifierᐳ';
+ : (meaning one or more). This is a unary, postfix regular expression operator. It is used in the production rule Types -> 'type' (Type ';')+ It means "the keyword 'type', followed by one or more instances of (Type ';')" It does not mean "the keyword 'type', followed by (Type ';'), followed by + " Note that the + is not enclosed in single quotes, meaning it is not a terminal symbol in the grammar. There are instances of + that are enclosed in single quotes, i.e. those *are* terminals. * : (meaning zero or more). This is a unary, postfix regular expression operator. It is used in the production rule SubProgs -> Fcn* It means "zero or more instances of Fcn" It does not mean "Fcn followed by * " Note that the * is not enclosed in single quotes, meaning it is not a terminal symbol in the grammar. There are instances of * that are enclosed in single quotes, i.e. those *are* terminals. ? : (meaning zero or one, i.e. optional). This is a unary, postfix regular expression operator. It is used in the production rule Statement -> 'if' Expression 'then' Statement ('else' Statement)? It means "the phrase ('else' Statement) is optional" It does not mean "('else' Statement) followed by ? " Note that the ? is not enclosed in single quotes, meaning it is not a terminal symbol in the grammar. There are no instances of ? that are enclosed in single quotes, i.e. ? is not keyword in the Tiny language. list : (meaning a list of items, with separators). This a binary, infix regular expression operator. It is used in several places in the grammar, for example Statement list ';' It means "a list of Statement's, separated by ';'s " It does not mean "a Statement, followed by a list, followed by a ';' " The definition: a list b = a (b a)*, so Statement list ';' = Statement (';' Statement)* This means "a Statement, and then zero or more instances of (';' Statement)" This exactly what it means to have a list of Statements, separated by ';'s, i.e. the list must begin with a Statement, must end with a Statement, and between every two Statement's there is a ';' separating them.