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Code Vein modding helper tool for managing UE4 projects


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Code Vein Modding Tool

Code Vein modding helper tool for managing UE4 projects.


Download at Releases.

Only need to download the .exe, it will download the resources on first use.
(Or manually download the resources and unzip it next to the executable)

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  • Create new UE4 projects with correct configuration, helper assets and build scripts.
  • Build/Cook unreal project content.
  • Package only the necessary files into a .pak file.
  • Install/Copy the .pak into your mods folder.



The tool needs a config.toml next to the cvmodtool.exe. It'll be created upon running the tool for the first time.

# UE 4.18 install folder. (It should contain the "Engine" directory)
engine = 'Path\To\UE_4.18'
# Folder where the mods will be installed with the 'install' command.
moddir = 'Path\To\CodeVein\Content\Paks\~mods'


Mod configuration file. Automatically created by the create command. Make sure to update the includes if necessary.

project = 'TestProject' # Name of the Unreal project
pakname = 'TestProject_P' # Name of the .pak file to create (The '_P' is important)
includes = ['Maps', 'ModResources'] # Folders/files to include in the final package
packagedir = 'Package' # (Optional) Directory to create the package in (default: Package)


Profiles used for project creation. The profiles can be found in resources\profiles.toml.

Name Description
default Includes the most used modules for custom maps.
full Includes all the modules.
min Minimal profile. Only includes the base module.
empty Doesn't include any module. (Not even base)
nocompile Include all modules that does not require C++ code compilation


Modules are packages of project content that you can include on create. The modules can be found in resources\modules. Modules depend on each other. Make sure to include all the required dependency of all modules.

Name Description
base The base of the Unreal project. Should always include.
extensions C++ code by SkacikPL. For tighter integration with Code Vein.
gitsupport gitignore and gitattributes file.
spawner Contains the ActorProxySpawner.
interactive Contains the Interactive Object Base.
enemies Dummy actors of all the enemies in the game.
startmap Starting work map with navmesh and removed reflection capture.
workmapdoor Spawns an actor in the base that you can access to enter the work map.
stateful Contains "stateful" mistle and enemy spawner that you can use to emulate the main gamemode. Works even with unloading sub levels (not tested recently). Requires the LevelState and LevelOrigin actors in the persistent level. Run the level in the editor to see any error messages caused by incorrect setup.
ladder Ladder with height adjustment. For AI companions to recognize it as ladder, create a NavLinkProxy with its Area Class set to NavArea_Ladder.
killvolume Kill volume based on the game's BP_KillVolume.
mistwall Mist/Boss wall with optional collision emulation.


For more information on all the commands just use the --help option argument.


cvmodtool.exe create [OPTIONS] <ProjectName>

Creates a new Unreal project in the current directory inside a folder with an identical name of the project name. Automatically creates mod config (cvmod.toml) and a build-and-install.bat for quick iteration.

Option Usage Description
profile -p <ProfileName>
--profile <ProfileName>
Specify the profile to use for selecting the modules for install. Profiles are defined at resources/profiles.toml.
[default: default]
modules -m <ModuleNames...>
--modules <ModuleNames...>
Additional modules to install.


cvmodtool.exe create TestProject
cvmodtool.exe create TestProject --profile full
cvmodtool.exe create TestProject -p empty -m base gitsupport


cvmodtool.exe build [OPTIONS]

Cooks the project's content. Requires the mod config (cvmod.toml) in the project directory.

If you included C++ code in your project, to make the build command work properly, you need to build the Visual Studio project first. Unreal automatically does that if you open the project.

Option Usage Description
config -c <ModConfig>
--config <ModConfig>
Specify the mod configuration file to use.
[default: cvmod.toml]


cvmodtool.exe package [OPTIONS]

Packages the project into a .pak file based on configuration found inside the mod config (cvmod.toml). Requires the mod config in the project directory.

Make sure to update the mod config's includes field with the content folders to include in the pak.

Option Usage Description
config -c <ModConfig>
--config <ModConfig>
Specify the mod configuration file to use.
[default: cvmod.toml]
no-copy --no-copy Don't copy the latest cooked content. Only run UnrealPak.
no-compress --no-compress Don't compress the .pak file.


cvmodtool.exe install [OPTIONS] <optional-pakfile>

Copies the .pak file to the specified mods folder (Usually it's the Code Vein ~mods folder). Requires the mod config (cvmod.toml) in the project directory.

If the pakfile is defined the mod config won't be used, instead it will just copy that pak file into the mods folder.

Option Usage Description
config -c <ModConfig>
--config <ModConfig>
Specify the mod configuration file to use.
[default: cvmod.toml]


cvmodtool.exe update [OPTIONS]

Updates the executable and the resources. Resource update will delete the resources directory!

Not specifying any options will update both the executable and the resources to the latest release on GitHub. If both options are specified it is the same as calling it without any.

Option Usage Description
executable -e
Only update the executable
resources -r
Only update the resources