To run an image:
docker container run <image_name> [command]
It downloads the image from docker hub if the image is not available locally.
--publish <host_port>:<container_port>
: forwards the host port to container port. -
--name <container_name>
: assigns an arbitrary name for the container. -
-e <env_name>=<env_value>
: sets an environment variable inside the container. -
: starts a new interactive container -
: specifies the network of the container -
: adds an alias DNS record for the container -
: to remove the container automatically after finishing its job. -
-v <vol_name>:<vol_path>
: specifies a volume for the container
To stop a running container:
docker container stop <container_name>
To start a stopped container:
docker container start <container_name>
To run a new command on an existing container:
docker container exec <container_name> <command>
: runs the command interactively.
To view all running containers:
docker container ls
: lists all containers including the stopped containers
To view the logs of a container:
docker container logs <container_name>
To remove a container:
docker container rm <container_name>
Notice that the container must be stopped before removing.
: forces the container to be stopped and removed.
To view exposed ports inside a container:
docker container port <container_name>
To view the processes running inside the container:
docker container top <container_name>
To view live performance data on all containers:
docker container stats
To show metadata about the container (startup, volumes, networking, etc):
docker container inspect <container_name>
: formats the output of docker inspect. e.g:--format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}'
to get the IP address of the container.
To create a network:
docker network create <network_name>
: to set the driver of the network (bridge, host, null)
To remove a network:
docker network rm <network_name>
To see a list of networks:
docker network ls
To see metadata about a network:
docker network inspect <network_name>
To dynamically attach a network to a container:
docker network connect <network_name> <container_name>
To dynamically disconnect a network from a container:
docker network disconnect <network_name> <container_name>
Note: Containers on the same custom network can access each other using their names instead of their IP address. For the bridge network we must use -link
to link containers.
To pull an image from the registry:
docker image pull <image_name>
To see a list of pulled images:
docker image ls
To remove an image:
docker image rm <image_name>
To see the image's changes history:
docker image history <image_name>
To see metadata about the image:
docker image inspect <image_name>
To assign a new tag to an image:
docker image tag <src_tag> <dst_tag>
To push an image:
docker image push <image_name>
To build an image using a Dockerfile:
docker image build <dockerfile_path>
: Tags the image after building -
: specifies the name of the Dockerfile
To create new volume:
docker volume create <volume_name>
To view all volumes:
docker volume ls
To remove a volume:
docker volume rm <volume_name>
To remove all unused volumes:
docker volume prune
To see metdata about a volume:
docker volume inspect <volume_name>
Specifies the base image of the image:
FROM <image_name>
Runs a command:
RUN <command1> && <command2> ...
RUN ["executable", "param1", "param2"]
- Putting
between the commands ensures that they will create only one layer in image.
Sets an environment variable:
ENV <variable_name>=<variable_value> ...
ENV <variable_name> <<variable_value>
- We can use env variables in dockerfile like this:
Changes the current working directory inside the container:
WORKDIR <path>
Copies files or directories from our system into the container:
COPY <src_path> <dest_path>
Provides defaults for an executing container:
CMD ["executable", "param1", "param2"]
CMD ["param1", "param2"]
CMD <command>
- There can only be one
instruction in aDockerfile
. If you list more than oneCMD
then only the lastCMD
will take effect.
Informs Docker that the container listens on the specified network ports at runtime:
EXPOSE <port> [<port>/protocol]
- The
instruction does not actually publish the port. It functions as a type of documentation between the person who builds the image and the person who runs the container
Creates a mount point with the specified name:
VOLUME ["vol_path"]
VOLUME <vol_path> ...
context: .
dockerfile: <dockerfile_name>
image: <image1_name>
- '<host_port1>:<container_port1>'
- '<host_port2>:<container_port2>'
- <bind_path1> or <named_vol1>:<container_path1>
- <bind_path2> or <named_vol2><container_path2>
- <key1>=<value1>
- <key2>=<value2>
- "service2"
To run the docker-compose file;
docker-compose up
: specifies the name of the docker-compose file -
: runs docker-compose in background
To stop the running docker-compose:
docker-compose down
: removes all volumes defined in volumes section after stopping -
--rmi type
: removes images after downing the docker-compose-
: removes all images -
: removes only images that don't have custom tag set by theimage
To rebuild images that are created using docker-compose:
docker-compose build