A Flutter plugin for capturing unhandled errors from Native Android
Step 1:
Navigate to project's pubspec.yaml
Step 2 : Add dependancy
url: https://github.com/Amitpatil215/platformexceptioncatcher.git
Step 3: Get the packages
flutter pub get
Step 4:
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:platfromexceptioncatcher/platfromexceptioncatcher.dart';
void main() {
// Initialize PlatfromExceptionCatcher
() => runApp(const MyApp()),
url: "https://anyUrl.com/Api/log",
onErrorCallBack: ((error, stackTrace) {
// do something if platform exception occurs
onHttpRequestFailedCallback: (error, stackTrace) {
// do something if logging to server fails
Step 1 : Clonse the project
Step 2 : Navigate to example
Step 3 : get th epackages and Build the example app
Step 4 : Cick on generate Exception Button
to generate platform exception
App generate Null pointer exception
and plugin logs it to the server at a given url