Craigslist X Scanner is a web scraper which scans all cities for a specific item.
1 - Specify the cities you want to scan by modifying the CL_Cities.html file.
2 - Extract the URL from craigslist for the specific item you want scanned.
a - Go to landing page of any city on craigslist(ex.
b - Navigate to item you want scanned(ex. antiques -
c - Extract the path of the item(ata/ for example in b)
d - Place it in the $url variable in the cl_start.php file.
3 - Make sure you have the curl exention enabled for php.
4 - Enter the index url into your browser to start scanning!
Use regular expressions instead of jQuery to filter items by date.
Implement asynchoronous HTTP get requests to improve scanning speed.
Format and place comments in code.